Parker and Stacy(s) | By : Messedupstories Category: Marvel Verse Comics > Spiderman Views: 67639 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, George Stacy, of Helen Stacy. all casting is fan. I make no money from this story. |
“What!? Are you serious Misty!?” The detective shrieked into her phone while she was in the supply closet to avoid any eavesdroppers listening in,
“Yes I’m serious! Look all I know is someone has hired these mercenaries to attack the mob in New York, I snuck onto their cargo ship and now I’m stuck in fucking Brazil since the boat appearantly left while I was escaping a crazy massacure at what I bellieve to be a druglord’s home.” Detective Knight responded back to her colluege who rubbed her head at the pure insanity of this, her friend had been missing for a few days and now she was calling with tons of information over the growing violence between two warring factions in the city. She asked Knight about what she had witnessed and Knight said she only saw some white haired woman who was clearly in charge, the mercenaries themselves were unknown to her, but one man was familiar and it was Adrian Toomes the lunatic who had been arrested more than once back in the city,
“Hey Misty….You should know something.” The detective interjected,
“What’s up Yuri?” She asked her friend/colleague Yuri Watanabe,
“Captain Stacy is keeping num about this subject but….Davis hasn’t been in for a while, Stacy says it’s personal time he’s taking but I haven’t seen him around and his wife hasn’t heard from him….” Yuri said with an easy voice and Misty was silent for a moment,
“When’s the last time anyone’s seen him?” She asked Yuri,
“On Sunday afternoon, he had gone on patrol back in Harlem and he was gonna head back home from there. Before that he was helping Stacy and some other guys plan the ball that’s coming up.” Yuri replied and Misty chapped her lips which was heard through the phone,
“Okay, okay….listen…I need your help to get me back home….without the brass knowing about it okay.” Misty said and now Yuri furrowed her eyebrows,
“What’s going on Misty?” She asked plainly,
“Listen Yuri just….trust me okay. I can’t say….over the phone.” Knight replied carefully and now Yuri could hear the worry in her voice so she relented,
“Alright Knight….I have a friend who’s stationed over at the embassy there so I’ll call in a favor and have you brought in privately and quietly okay?” She told Misty who replied ‘okay’ but Yuri told her to just go to the embassy quickly so they can discuss what she had meant earlier,
“Get your ass over here quick Misty.” Yuri Watanabe sternly said to her friend,
“I’ll try to get there as fast as I can, thanks Yuri I knew I could count on you.” She replied with appreciation in her voice and she hung up, Yuri sighed heavily and just left the closet.
Fisk was reviewing some paperwork while Vanessa was calling to arrange a banquet to smooth over the investors for the new condos around the city,
“Remember to invite Thompson, he’s been wanting to dive into the real estate business for some time now,” Fisk said to her and she nodded,
“I’ll need your help in guaranteeing their arrival. Better to hear it from the horse’s mouth than his jockey.” She replied with a smirk and Fisk scoffed a laugh,
“Well said.” He replied then he got a call and excused himself to take it, he went to the other room and answered it,
“Lutessa, any updates?” He asked her,
“We only have a faint signal on the ship sir, it appears to be on course for Brazil.” She replied and now Fisk was confused,
“What do you mean? I thought Sable was already in Brazil, and what of Toomes anyhow?” Fisk asked with impatience in his voice,
“That’s the thing sir, the route shows they arrived in Brazil but then the ship departed a short while later only to set the course back a few hours ago.” Tess replied and Fisk groaned,
“Sable hasn’t checked in for days now, but she accomplished the mission so why is she returning to Brazil….keep an eye on it and give me updates, also on Toomes as well.” He said and hung up.
The boys were with their mom for the day so George used the apartment for him and his fellow officers to plan the dumb event which thankfully was almost complete since it was getting in the way of their daily cases. They had been working on it for awhile and they shared chips and beers while talking about guy shit….they have reached a certain topic now,
“So George I gotta ask….what was Helen like in the sack man?” One officer asked him and George scoffed a chuckle while the others edged him to answer, he sighed,
“Sorry to tell you boys but….she’s a prude.” George said and all the men groaned at the answer,
“Come on man!” One said annoyed,
“You lying Stacy, a woman like Helen…god damn she gotta have something to bring to the table.” Another said and Goerge just shrugged his shoulders,
“I dunno what to say guys, the only times Helen and I had sex it always got her knocked up and we only did in the missionary position, but now I’m free to do whatever right.” He asked with sarcasm bringing chuckles to all the men,
“Okay new topic….dirtiest call you've ever been on?” One of the men asked and the rest nodded,
“Alright so one time I got a 911 call for a couple having sex in someone’s yard and it turned to be two high scholars stoned out of their minds,needless to say their parents weren’t happy given she ended up pregnant as I heard.” He said and the men laughed, another cleared his throat before speaking,
“Okay, okay um…there was this time in October when me and my partner came across an orgy happening in a public pool at night cuz it was some magic spell they were trying to conduct.” He said with a laugh and the other joined in as well, another man spoke up,
“Alright fellas listen to this….I forgot how long it’s been but I got a disturbance call from this lady who lived behind a motel, and as soon as I get there I could already hear what she was going to tell me, this couple was getting it on very roughly and loudly so she was bitching about it saying things like it should be illegal to be that loud and crap, thankfully it stopped before I got any more complaints.” He said to all the men who chuckled at his story,
“Wow Jack what’s the name of that place? Sounds perfect for my flings.” A man asked and Jack scratched his head,
“I forgot the name but I do know that couple was going at it hot and heavy cuz she was screaming her head off and I could her him making sounds like a gorilla hahahaha” he said with a laugh and everyone was laughing,except one,
“Where is the place then?” George asked and once the other man calmed down he shrugged,
“Out in Queens I think….it burned down actually and there was a fatality.” He said and George was silent for a moment before asking who wanted another beer and he got up to get some while his face went pale and his heartbeat increased….he had to check things out for himself.
“Alright so who I gotta kill and how much are you offering?” Fancy Dan asked while putting his feet on the table to relax while Hammerhead looked at Dan’s guards who clearly been through combat experience with their rugged looks and visible scars on their necks and arms,
“It’s simple really, your target is a man named Wilson Fisk who runs a construction company and he’s been a problem for me the past few months now. However he’s been outside his own building since the oversized meatball built his penthouse right at the top floor so he never leaves that place….which is why he has well placed security throughout the building and I have an asset who can attest to their security measures that are superior to Oscorp’s surprisingly.” Hammerhead said to the trio who looked at one another with smirks,
“we’ll manage, anything else?” Fancy Dan asked Hammerhead,
“Yes actually there is…..what do you know of this woman?” He asked as he threw a file and Dan’s fellow mercenary named Montana picked it up and opened it, he raised an eyebrow and showed the file with a picture on it,
“All I know about her is that she owns some top merc company or something, It’s not like we have conventions for our line of work.” Dan replied and Hammerhead rubbed his chin as an idea began to brew in his mind and a small smile grew on his lips.
“Parker where the hell are you?” Jessica said to herself as she looked over the information she had collected overtime, she had gathered new information as to the situation between Stacy and Fisk which has become somewhat disorganized and in shambles since she had overheard George and Vanessa discussing Jefferson’s whereabouts and how to manipulate the situation in their favor. Another piece of information is that Wilson Fisk is planning on buying another old run down apartment building in Harlem that she knew was often used as a dealer’s paradise so this was another attack on the Mob and yet….Jones had noticed the tension between the users and the dealers since she was hired to find some rich woman’s son and that kid had told her that his dealer was running low and no resupply had been done. Jessica rubbed her head in pain as she had to bring in some information to Rio Morales as she had been pestering her about her husband’s possible infidelity which seems more likely since he’s been gone and he had taken some more out of the bank account several days prior.
He was disorientated, tired, and very annoyed, he had no help….no support and zero chance of any worthwhile gain from this stupid plan that was given to him by a snarky skank. He walked, well more like limped, down the street among the public in his worn out clothes he had taken from a random laundry basket and he was eating a sandwich he grabbed out of the garbage,
“Fucking shit man, I get stuck here while they’re probably pulling another job.” He said with bitter and anger as he took another bite,
“Why the hell I gotta be the one to handle this shit it wasn’t even my fucking idea.” He said to himself as he kept walking and he stopped near a old empty building and he sighed heavily,
“Fuck Man! I gotta get outta here before that bitch finds me or something….or that other bitch who will drag my ass into another massacre.” He said to himself again but then,
“Davis!?!” A voice said with utter shock and Jefferson Davis’s head snapped in the direction of the voice,
“Holy shit….Misty Fucking Knight.” Davis said as Misty hugged him as she was relieved her friend was okay as she feared he had been killed trying to sneak onto the boat,
“Let’s catch up later. Right now I have a plan on how to get us back to New York.” She said as she walked ahead and Davis gritted his teeth behind her back,
“Shit….George and Vanessa will kick me out for letting her get back and report this to the NYPD….I have to….” Davis sighed as he let his thoughts play out as he devised a plan while following Misty to an abandoned building where she had made a little shelter.
Knight and Davis were getting ready to go after having a quick bit and drank some water,
“So how are we getting back Knight?” Davis asked her and she simply said he’d have to wait and see,
“Come on Knight, just tell me how to get back?” Davis was persistent in getting the information since he had to act fast being that he had been a part of a raid which will have people looking for him around the city, Knight shot a glance at Davis as she laced her boots,
“Why are you in a rush? I’m sure you know about the turf war in the city as I do so we have to be careful when we head back.” Knight said to him who was starting to lose his edge after being sucked into this insanity, and it showed on his face,
“I know which is why we need to get back quickly to report in, who knows how Hammerhead will react to this!” He snapped at Misty who narrowed her eyes at him now,
“I was gonna wait til we got back to ask but I’ll ask now….why the hell were you on the boat when it was clearly a sting operation by another group? Also how did you even get the information on the shipment?” Knight asked with a heavy tone and she stood at a safe distance from Davis who had some sweat streams on his forehead and his Adam's apple bobbed meaning he gulped….he began to list reasons that had no connection to the questions at all so Misty finally asked,
“I never said a name when I mentioned the turf war Jefferson….who the hell is Hammerhead?” She asked carefully with a hard expression on her face and Davis had no expression on his face, then he dropped something….Misty’s eyes went wide right before she shut but not in time….
The flashbang Davis had taken went off making Knight groan and stagger back, she was then pounced on by Davis who was trying to subdue her but Misty didn’t need eyesight now she could feel what body part was where, she kneed him twice in the groin and pushed him off which now they were in a ball of struggle,
“Get the fuck off!!” She sneered and she heard him laugh of all things,
“Fucking Bitch just tell me how to get back!!” He commanded as they tried to win over the other as they fought on the ground in the abandoned building,
“Fucking idiot! Shoulda wait until we get back to New York, now you're gonna be your boss’s bitch for good!!” Misty yelled with a laugh at the end which made Davis punch her head three times and she was now in a daze…he got on top of her as she was in a unfocused state,
“I’m gonna do something I’ve wanted to do for a while.” He whispered but she could hear him…and the sound of him unzipping his pants,
“FUCK YOU!” She gained her strength for a a few seconds but it was enough to grab a rock the size of her palm and struck him in the side of the head and he whined and moaned in pain yet Misty Knight got on top of him and kept striking the same spot,
“BASTARD!YOU RAT!YOU TRAITOR!WHO'S YOUR BOSS HUH?!? WHO?!? She shouted at him but there was no reply….Misty stopped her movements,
“….oh fuck, oh fuck…” she said as she staggered back with her breathing going rapid and her hand covered in blood.
“So did Gwen tell you when she’s coming back with Peter?” Mary Jane (Elizabeth Olsen) asked Helen Stacy (Reese Witherspoon) as they walked down the street heading to their homes, well The Parkers was a new to Helen being that she will be staying with them for the time being,
“She said they’d be back in a day or two, they’re handling something important apparently.” Helen said and MJ rolled her eyes with a smirk,
“Something important involving a bed and some lube maybe.” She said and Helen scoffed a laugh at that comment,
“It’s so strange to me to be conversing with the girl who was sleeping with my husband not so long ago.” Helen said with her own smirk and MJ blushed and was embarrassed,
“Hey he came onto me okay and besides, now we share certain things together now don’t we?” MJ asked with a smirk and Helen smirked back at her,
“Imagine all it took was for my daughter to lose her virginity to the first boy she brought to dinner.” She said with a chuckle as the pair sat on the bench swing on the porch of the Parker Residence,
“It’s more crazy for me actually…Peter and I were neighbors for a while when we were kids, at first I considered him a imaginary friend cuz he would only show up like once or twice a week with his parents while visiting his aunt and uncle, after they died he basically became by best friend since we played together everyday and talked all day and even at night with walkie talkies he made himself out of old phone receivers.” MJ said with a blush and sweet voice which made Helen raise and eyebrow at her,
“Had you never considered…?” She asked and Mj sighed and leaned back against the bench,
“When I got back after my dad died I saw him getting changed through the window….I saw his cute face and hot bod…..I got so wet….” She said with closed inducing herself in the memory with a happy sigh to which Helen rolled her eyes with a smile,
“Calm down Ms.Watson, he’ll be back soon and we both can relieve ourselves of….untapped energy.” Helen said and MJ giggles and nudged her shoulder,
“Tell me one thing….it’s it like for you, having a teenager’s penis going into your milf vigaina that has gone into your own daughter?” Mj asked with zero hesitation which made Helen go beat red and she even began to sweat a bit, MJ nudged her again with a supportive grin and Helen sighed deeply and smiled back,
“It’s like….a drug, a drug that I inject into myself to feel relaxed,excited, and relieved. The way he touches my body….how he caresses my chest and legs….the hunger and lust in his eyes right before he pushes himself inside me, and..oh god the way it rubs my insides so fast and rough and when he cums inside me I can feel it going deep inside my womb to fill me up!” Helen said with a happy tone which made her more embarrassed when she saw MJ’s wide eyes at such a confession,
“Wow….you really been needing a good fucking huh?” She asked with a laugh and Helen joined in for a minute when another young woman, well more like 2, came up to the porch,
“Any word yet from them?” Debra Whitman (Elizabeth Banks) asked the pair and Carol crossed her arms as she stood next to Debra,
“Yeah it’s been a while since I heard from Gwen….Parker didn’t fuck her to death did he?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and MJ scoffed with a chuckle,
“No Danvers she ain’t dead, and Debra relax I know it’s been weeks since you’ve had Peter’s dick in you but trust me he’ll be plowing all of us when he gets back with the other.” She said to them and now all the women were yearning for that particular penis that had marked itself inside them all,
“Hey Danvers…you’ve only had sex with Peter once right?” MJ asked the blonde and she looked away then down making the others smirk at her,
“Really?….so there’s been a moment that hasn’t been reported huh?…” Debra asked with a sly tone in her voice and Carol smirked back at them,
“Well….” She started to say…
“Haa haaa haaa haaa ughhhhh ahhhhh ahhhh Goddd ahhhh Hurry Up already!!!! Ughhhh gawhhhhh ahhhhh gahhhhh ughhhhh Jesus cum already Carol!! Aughhhhhhhhh ughhhhhh ohhhhh ohhhh omphhhh ughhhhh” Peter was getting red from the rapid thrusts into Carol from behind while her hands rested on the dashboard in front of her while she panted and laughed from the incredible feeling in her pussy,tunnel, and even her womb….she’s never had this with any other guy and she had sex with a Marine once and yet a random guy brought this sensation on her heated body,
“Noo!!! Ahhh ahhh ahhhhh more! More! Go faster Parker!! Ahhhh ahhh ughhhhh ahhhhhh Go Faster baby!!!” Carol was lost in the lustful atmosphere and the heat trapped in the car since their bodies were squeezed together in the little Volkswagen Beetle Carol owned since they only had time for a quickie…well it was supposed to be a quickie but Carol decided to hold on for as long as she could,
“Just a little more….a little more!!!!” She said between pants and she felt Peter fasten his hips even more and her ass was sore from the friction and impacts from Peter’s strong body that Carol had kissed all over when she pulled him into the car right when they met up in the alley. Peter was grunting and Carol felt her end coming too so she told him to let it out in her ass since they were doing it raw and she hasn’t exactly been taking precautionary measures,
“Really!?” Peter asker excitedly and Carol rolled her eyes with a laugh and nodded over her shoulder then she felt Peter pull out then he used a hand to spread her cheek a bit for a visible view of her hole and then,
“Ohhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhhhhh godddddddd there’s so much…….ahhhhhhhh” Carol sighed happily feeling her butt being jammed and Peter’s hot sperm coat the inside of her ass and it even leaked out.
“….Anyone got any stories of their own?” Carol asked the girls after sharing her explicit tale, she glanced at Debra who was smiling at herself so she nudged the blonde older woman,
“Come on Whitman, talk and tell us a juicy story of you and our common lover.” Helen said encouraging Debra to speak and she sighed and rubbed her chin with a growing smile,
“Okay well….the thing is….it wasn’t exactly private…the last time we….acquainted with each other…” she said slowly and the others had odd looks on their faces,
“What do you mean?…Like you were being watched? You’re into that??” MJ asked with a sly tone of her own and Debra blushed red and shakes her head with a hand covering her shy grin while she giggled,
“No, no umm….well let me explain….I had recently divorced my abusive husband who had a habit of sending negative phone messages,texts, and emails to me and well….he was once outside my apartment at 2 in the morning…” Debra said and now all the women were shocked and said they should call the cops or just kick his ass themselves but Debra let out a laugh and calmed them down,
“Relax ladies this was weeks ago…so I asked Peter for a favor seeing how he handled him the very first time I met him.” Debra said in a dreamy tone as she remembered that night…..
ONE MONTH AGO-Debra Whitman’s House
He was tied to the chair with a sock gag in his mouth…he was struggling against the rope binds trying to free himself and kill his bitch of a ex-wife for…for…for dumping him to be with a fucking teenager….and his face was red as his screams of protests were muffled by the gag, all he could do was struggle and watch,
“Haahahaha hahaha hahaha oh my god he’s soooo goooooood ahhhhh ahhhhh ahahahaha hahahaha ohhhhhhhhh he’s so deep inside me!!!!” Debra shrieked happily and she moaned out loud right in front of her ex-husband Mark as she gripped the table from the other side as she was being rammed by her new lover,
“Ohhhhh Yeah ohhhhh Yeah Babe Take It!!!!” Peter did his part of playing the hardcore lover Debra had asked him to do, he kept his fast pace into her pussy with his T-shirt still on and his pants around his ankles while the fine blonde’s clothes had been removed so now she was just in her green bra that held her breasts together as they shaked back and forth, her body was sweating making it slick for Peter to roam his hands all over her which only made Debra’s moans and happy sighs increased in volume and she felt Peter’s hands on her tits while their sticky bodies molded together,
“Ahhh ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh Debra’s My Woman Now!!!! Got It!!!!” Peter said to Mark with a angry look and Peter even spanked Debra’s jiggling but and she laughed with a huge smile and grunted as she moved back towards rod to let it in deeper,
“Ahhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhh ahahahaha aughhhhhh ahhhhhh aughhhhhhhhhh He’s My Man Now Mark!!!!!!! He Fucks Me Every Night……He Fucks Me Every Morning…..he Fucks Me At Work!!!!!!!” Debra screamed her bragging to her Ex as she was being fucked hard and raw in her dining room….no it was acutally Mark’s but she had obtained it in the settlement to add salt to the wound, Debra leaned her back towards Peter so they could share their lips….Seeing them in a liplock made Mark just keep trying to break free which made the lovemaking pair laugh at him.
All the women had shocked looks on their faces which only made Debra more shy about telling them that particular story, MJ blinked several times before speaking,
“So…you had Peter….fuck you in front your husband?…” she asked and Debra nodded,
“Your Ex-husband who was tied up in a chair?….” Helen asked and Debra nodded again, now Carol had a huge smirk towards Debra,
“Holy shit Whitman! Talk about sending a message, doing it in front of your Ex…..shit you don’t like the trashy type just the Fox News Lady look.” Carol said earning a scoff with a laugh from Debra,
“Well I had to make it clear to that bastard that I’m with someone else now…someone stronger…someone…bigger…” she said and all the women were silent for a moment then a rupture of laughter emerge from them all, they calmed down after a minute and now Helen spoke up,
“I have too many to recount…” she said and a flashflood of erotic memories played in her head…
Peter fucking her in the bathroom while George and the family were having dinner.
They fucked in the car mutiple times with Helen sitting on him riding him cowgirl style and Peter always liked to finish doggystyle.
They fucked in George’s old office too.
The flashes continued with glimpses of Peter touching and caressing her skin…her breasts and his fingers gently trailing over her erect nipples as they laid in bed, Peter kissing her body…her arms…her thighs and legs…then he would eat her pussy and finger her butthole making her moan like crazy.
Then there’s the incredible feeling of Peter penetrating her in any form whenever they could and he would grip her body so his thrusts could go all the way inside her and she always had a drug like high afterwards when they would just cuddle in bed, or the couch, or even the backseat of a car. The women could see Helen was happily reminiscing so they kept chatting and now they were asking the last one, Mary Jane, to share a tale about Peter,
“Alright fine I’ll tell you horny chicks a story, so this one time back in December Peter and I were in school and Gwen just happened to have a bad cold that day so she was absent….” MJ started and all the women closed in to hear her better…
It was a free period for Peter and MJ so they took advantage of their free time and were hanging out outside in MJ’s car since she had parked nearby and the streets around were empty being it was cold and windy so they took their time with each other,
“Ughhhh ughhhhh Wow MJ…you feel so warm ahhh ahhh ughhh awughhhh so warm MJ ughhhhh ughhhhhh how you feel ahhhh ahhh?” Peter asked her as he held her close while he sat in the backseat with MJsitting on him and grinding her hips into his rod with soft giggles and laughs,
Ahh ahhh ahhh haaa haaa It feels sooo goood Tiger….like I’m being bathed in heat….uhhhhh ahhh ahhh haaaa haaaa ohhhh ohhhhh baby.” Mary Jane kept her moans and giggled soft and happy as she pulled Peter in for a deep kiss and he kissed her back while resting his hands on her ass and she put her hands to cradle his head as she moaned into his mouth.
“And that’s all you get.” MJ said as she concluded her tale a bit too soon for the others to enjoy which they made clear with their complaining,
“Sorry girls but the best part stays with me.” She said simply making the others groan in annoyance at the teen redhead who laughed at their reactions….and Helen was still daydreaming about Peter next to her.
Jasmine O’Hara’s Home
Jasmine finished cleaning up the living room now that the kids went to play in their rooms instead so she took advantage of the free space, she sighed as she went to start doing the dishes and she saw her husband had left a lot more for her to do before leaving,
“Damn it…” she said to herself and she went ahead and started washing them and scrubbing them with a sponge and soap, she could hear her kids playing and fighting in the rooms since they are always loud and so she sighed heavily knowing at some point she’ll have to go upstairs and stop them from killing each other. She tuned the noise out of her mind and she started to play a memory in her mind like a movie….it had happened weeks earlier and she was starting to feel shame from it but…she couldn’t help it…
George looked at the report that was filed and saw that little information had been taken, only that the noise came from Al’s Motel….the same one Helen had stayed in but knowing her she wouldn’t stay in a place with too much noise unless…she was the reason for it…he huffed and made collected that he needed before heading out to keep investigating while he ignored angry texts from Vanessa over not hearing back from Davis all the while Rio was asking around about him which would bring unwanted attention at some point, George was getting a lot on his plate for the time being but at least the stupid ball thing has been taken care of so he had time to deal with this, first he’ll go talk to the citizen that had complained about the noise from the motel and from what George could tell from the time stamp on the report and the time it took him to arrive it was at least 40 minutes to an hour difference, he had to collect enough information before confronting Helen.
“So tell me again how this happened?” Toomes asked her and Sable just scoffed as she typed away in the computer on the ship,
“Doesn’t matter, for now I need you to head back to New York and report to Fisk with the information we’ve gathered. I've made the arrangements for you at the airport so just head there quietly and you’ll be back in the city.” She said and Toomes nodded while verbally agreeing but he then raised an eyebrow,
“..and you’ll be doing what?” He asked and she cocked her gun before putting it in it’s hoist strapped to her side,
“Handling some unfinished business…Then I’ll head back to the city and check in with Wilson…for now the Mafia will surely have lost a significant amount of revenue with no resupply happening recently.” She said then she turned her head to see the city closing in as they nearly reached the port.
Peter stirred in his sleep feeling the headache from last night spending the day and night with Felicia which left his body sore after repeated acts of sexual release the cat burgular had stored inside herself. He opened his bleary eyes and saw Felicia’s pretty face fast asleep with a smile on her face, she was on her chest so Peter had a clear view of her smooth back and she had removed her wig so her black hair was exposed. He smiled at her sleeping peacefully, then his eyes went wide when he remembered certain details of the night before, though Felicia had moved him to sleep beside her since he last remembered eating her out before knocking out,
“Shit….” He whispered when he saw he and Felicia did indeed get hitched by seeing the rings on their fingers….well least it happened in a foreign country, Peter just removed his ring and he was about to take off Felicia’s when her hand gripped his very tightly,
“Ow!Ow! Lesh let go!” Peter said feeling her hand squeeze his fingers, Felicia smirked evilly at him and giggled as she put an arm to rest under her chest and her tits sagged a bit,
“Trying to destroy the evidence….no way Parker…I’ll hold on to our rings and whenever we’re alone….just you and me….we’re husband and wife.” Felicia said and Peter just nodded and she released his fingers and he winced feeling the hard pressure disappear, she then took his ring from his hand and got up,
“Alright let’s get dressed and head on back before your girlfriend starts looking around for you, I’ll hold on to our rings like I said, okay Honey?” She asked with a smirk and Peter huffed and rubbed his head,
“Don’t go overboard with this okay.” Peter said and Felicia just nodded and collected her clothes to dress and Peter did the same….though he stopped and spoke aloud,
“Holy Shit….Black Cat is my wife….” He said and Felicia looked at him with a smile as his back was turned to her,
“That’s right cutie-pie, and I get to say Spider-Man is my husband….at least in secret by a drunken mishap in a foreign country.” Felicia said with a light laugh and Peter now turned to face her with a focused face…and a erect cock, Lesh raised an eyebrow with a smile as she put her hands on her bare waist, she cocked her hip showing off her slender smooth body,
“Wanna consummate our vows again? I only remember getting my pussy licked but no actual fucking so….” She said as she made her way to the balcony and…she put her hands on the rail and wiggled her ass we he watched,
“…what do you say….husband?” She asked with a smile and she gripped the rail tightly when Peter ran to her….gripped her ass and neck with his hands…and just pushed himself into her already wet and moist lips,
“Whoa!!!! Wow Lesh you’re dripping on me already!” Peter said with a grin as he started a fast quick tempo for this quickie session and Felicia even twisted her hips making her tunnel shift and her walls squeezed Peter’s raging red rod even tighter making them both groan and moan out loud.
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