Laissez les bonnes temps roulez | By : Nemain Category: X-Men - Animated Series (all) > Het - Male/Female Views: 2491 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men Evolution, or any of the characters from it. I make no money from from the writing of this story. |
Laissez les bonnes temps roulez (NC-17)
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Nada. Zip. All characters are
property of Marvel and related entities and anything you recognize belongs to
people with lawyers and not copyright infringement is intended. I make no money off this work of fanfiction. Bummer,
A/N Goddess Foxfeather is a wondermous beta! J This fic is for
Morgan, for Yule, and because there is a dearth of Remy/Jubes
fics out there… *glomp* The title means “let the good times roll” in
Cajun and is a very popular phrase around Mardi Gras. ;)
“Wait right
here,” she muttered, dodging a man wearing a mask that looked like a cross
between Richard Nixon and a gold fish.
“I’ll be right back,” she added, narrowing her eyes and ducking around
an almost-topless girl who was loudly proclaiming she was eighteen. “If you’re eighteen, I’m Martha Stewart,”
Jubilee said in passing, startling the middle aged man staring at Eighteen’s
burgeoning breasts. “God damn it, Remy,”
she breathed, stopping at the corner and craning her neck, stretching up on her
toes to see through the crowd. She had
managed to keep the back of his head in view for the past three blocks but the
crowd was thickening, spilling from Bourbon Street
into Jackson Square by way
of Rue Sainte Anne. Beads hung from
trees where they had been flung by design or accident and the smell of stale
beer, cigarette smoke, greasy food and human bodies was becoming overpowering. She growled under her breath as he ducked out
of sight into one of the shops still open.
“Of course,” she snarled to no one in particular. “New Orleans,
home of package liquor…” She shoved her
way between two large women gawking at the revelers and lunged across the
street, thick with LSU students, and stumbled into the store, a small place
with odd souvenirs lining the walls and a grumpy clerk behind the counter. Remy was no where to be seen. “Well, shit,” she sighed aloud.
She glared
at the clerk. “Nothing. Happy Mardi Gras.” She stalked out of the store, back into the
cacophonic chaos of Mardi Gras. _Fuck
it, _ she decided. _I’m going back to
the house. He knows where he can find me. _
The trip on
the trolley was relatively quiet, save for one violently retching college
student who poured himself out on Canal Street,
disappearing into a throng of tourists from Arkansas. Jubilee rested her forehead against the cool
window and stared out at the brightly light night as it became more subdued,
greener and thicker, as they neared the Garden District. Within minutes, the insanity of Mardi Gras
was behind her and they were weaving down the streets of the old neighborhood.
Old houses, steeped in their own sorrows and joys, stared sleepily out at her
from thick hedgerows and hanging branches as she slid from the trolley, sighing
as it pulled away, leaving her alone on the dark street with only one pale
light for company. The house was
dark. He was not home. _Fucker convinces me to come down here,
promises I’ll have a good time, then spends the entire trip on some Secret
mission for Storm. Fanfuckingtastic. _ The house seemed to sigh as she trudged up to
it, her yellow coat flapping behind her in the breeze winding it’s way between
the homes. The door was locked, as she
expected, but the silver key that had been secreted in the pot of rosemary by
the front door was missing. _ Curiouser and curiouser… _[2]
The old
house was warm, smelling of age and bourbon and wood wax and generations of
families living and breathing and dying in the rooms. Jubilee felt the weight of history on her
back as she paused just inside the door, her lock pick disappearing back inside
her sleeve. She was not alone. She could feel someone else there. Years of thieving, of having to survive on
intuition and sheer will, had honed her senses to tell her when she was being
watched. She licked her lips, trying to
appear nonchalant. The watcher was at
the head of the stairs, waiting. The
telephone was at the end of the hall, directly past a perfect opening for them
to jump her, literally. If she walked
fast, did not show a sign of being watched, she could make it… She silently damned Remy for not being
there, for disappearing in the Quarter like that, and made up her mind. She walked as fast as she could without
seeming to be in a hurry, the yellow and green feathered mask she had purchased
as a souvenir earlier clutched tight in her hand, the feathers threatening to
break under pressure. The phone shone
dimly in the dark hall, the chrome of the old fashioned set picking up and
reflecting the faint light from the streetlamp outside. Jubilee reached for it, nearly shrieking in
surprise as a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed her wrist. One clamped over her mouth and pulled her
against someone’s chest, muffling her protest.
She found herself pinned between the phone table and the person, unable
to kick or scream or strike out. Her
body responded without her trying, plasma glowing in her clenched fists. If she could just get one hand free…
“Mettez dessus le masque[3], chere…”
heart felt like it stopped, then picked up again at triple speed. She bit down hard on the hand over her mouth,
drawing a small amount of blood. “Remy Etienne LeBeau,”
she shouted when he yelped and jumped back, “I am going to gut you like a
fucking fish!” She flew at him,
figurative claws out, grabbing him by his coat and shoving him to the floor,
pinning his arms with her knees and stopping just short of choking him on
accident. “What the Hell kind of joke is
that to play on your girlfriend? Not
funny!” She shook him once more for
emphasis and scowled as he laughed.
“It’s NOT FUNNY! You scared the
Hell out of me!”
“Chere, I ain’t laughin’ at you,”
he gasped, failing to hide his giggles, “I jus’ laughin’…near
you, d’accord?”
He took advantage of her mild distraction and wiggled his arms free,
moving his hands to her hips. “Forgive
me?” he asked charmingly. “S’il tu plais?”
narrowed her eyes, her hands moving to his wrists. She smiled sweetly for the briefest of
moments before grabbing his arms and shoving him above his head. “No. You were very, very bad.” At his surprised expression, she smiled more
honestly. “But I think I know how you
can make it up to me.” She stood,
motioning him up. “Take off your coat.”
Remy paused for only a second before doing as he was told, his eyebrows
creeping up infinitesimally. Jubilee
took him by the elbow and half pulled, half guided him into the sitting room
with it’s antebellum furniture, pushing him down on the antique velvet
settee. She stood against his knees,
pressing until he parted for her, letting her stand closer. “Hold your arms up.”
“You been talkin’ to Amara?” he asked, grinning slightly. “Cause if you have, remind me to give somethin’ real nice for her birthday…” He bit back a laugh at Jubilee’s noise of
annoyance and did as he was told. “Desolee, ma chere. I be good from
now on.”
rolled her eyes. “Shut up.” She grabbed
the hem of his shirt and pulled up, not quite removing it entirely, twisting it
around his wrists and sliding the binding over an ornate wooden decoration on
the back of the sofa. _One of the few
times I like this Southern Gothic crap _ she thought with a hint of amusement. She had gone from absolute panic to something
near pure lust in the space of a few seconds as soon as she realized what it
was Remy was going to do in the dark hall, surprising her like that. She made a mental note to let him next time
but for now, she had her own plan forming.
“Close your eyes,” she ordered, standing with her arms folded, staring
down at him with no expression on her face.
Remy sighed
and did as he was told, settling back against the velvet fabric. He was not annoyed but he almost wished she
had not bound his arms. He liked touching
her and feeling her during the act and now he could not, unless he managed to
convince her to untie him. “Jubilation,”
he began, only to be met with a sharp pinch against his ribs. “OW!”
“Shhhhh,” she replied softly. “Keep your eyes closed.”
Remy sighed
again and tilted his head back, wondering how Lance stood it most of the time,
then deciding he really did not want to dwell on the sex life of Lance and
Amara. It was just too disturbing to
comprehend, especially after the infamous candle wax incident from the previous
Christmas. He was just about to ask
Jubilee what she was doing when he felt her lean over him, the scent of joss[4]
faint on her skin, almost lost beneath her warmth. He inhaled sharply, mostly in faint surprise,
as she pressed against him, the soft swell of her breast and hard peak of her
nipple rubbing teasingly against his lips. Parting his lips, he flicked his
tongue against the turgid nub of flesh pressing insistently against him,
wishing he could free his hands to slide his fingers down her back to her hips,
pull her closer and move so that she was beneath him, her legs around him and
back arching to his kisses, the feel of his tongue and lips on her sensitive
flesh. But instead, he was forced to
accept their current position, Jubilee straddling his hips, her hot, petaled flesh pressing against his arousal, which was
currently causing him no end of discomfort thanks to his jeans. Jubilee’s hands skimmed down his bare arms,
her nails raking lightly over the tender underside of them, making him shudder
as she reached his sides. “Jubilee,” he
breathed, breaking away from nipping and laving her breast, “untie my arms…”
“No,” she
replied simply, moving off of him.
He managed
to contain his sound of frustrated disappointment, only to fail moments later
when she began unzipping his pants. “Chere, this’ll be much easier if you jus’ undo my arms…” He tugged at the bonds, earning a sharp pinch
on his inner thigh for his trouble. “Merde!”
“I said no.
Accept my answer,” she replied tartly, pulling his pants the rest of the way
off and tossing them to the side. She
settled over him again, careful not to touch his hard length but rubbing her
small frame against him. “You shouldn’t
have just left me in the Quarter like that,” she admonished, biting his earlobe
sharply, then sucking. Remy moaned
softly, arching against her as she moved to repeat the action on the other
side. “You shouldn’t have scared me like
that,” she added, sliding her hand between them and finding his arousal,
grasping it, rubbing it against her dewy netherlips. “You’ve been bad, Remy. That upsets me. In fact, I should stop right now and just
leave you here to think about what you’ve done…”
Remy’s eyes
flew open as Jubilee stood, retreating a few feet, gloriously naked and
grinning faintly. “Jubilation, you jus’
run off like dat, I swear I’m gonna give dem nekkid photos you give me to
Blob an’ Pietro.”
“You wouldn’t,”
she snorted, then paused. “You would,
wouldn’t you?”
nodded, his smile becoming distinctly edged.
“Oui, in an instant.”
pouted, closing the distance between them in a few steps. “Well, then, I guess that I’ll have to make
sure those pictures stay between the mattress and box spring where they belong,
won’t I?”
Remy nodded
again, admiring how the moonlight and streetlight seemed to make her shine and
glow like some ethereal being. “Je pense… I think that mebbe I could be persuaded, eh?” He smiled wider as she raised a brow,
settling over him again. This time, her ready sex pressed against his turgid
length, teasing him with her presence.
She sighed and stretched, arching
her back enticingly. “Mmmm… it’s awfully late…
I guess I can do this before I go to bed,” she teased, amusing him with
her seeming boredom while her body betrayed her words for the truth.
Remy did not have time to formulate
a response before she slid his full length into her waiting depths, her center
tight and hot and silken around him. He
groaned loudly as she gasped, pausing to adjust to his size in her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes for a
moment before moving, rocking her hips slightly, rising and falling with
growing passion on his thick member.
Remy tugged ineffectually at the bonds again, aching to feel her skin
under his fingertips, to skim his hands over her breasts, pull her closer and
kiss her as she moved on him and against him, making his entire being feel as
if it were charged with electricity.
Jubilee moaned softly, her own fingers moving between them, finding the
pearl of her desire and rubbing in counterpoint to her rhythm. She leaned back slightly, bracing her hand
against his knee, exposing the pink flesh of her inner lips to his hungry gaze.
“Chere,” he said roughly, “untie me. Maintenant.”
“No,” she panted. “Not yet…”
Her fingers spread pearly moisture across her thighs as she pulled her
hand away from her aching sex, offering them to Remy to lick clean.
He closed his eyes as she shuddered
with each lick and suck of her fingers.
Her sex tightened around him, driving him closer to his own ending even
as she moved faster, more erratically.
Her body stiffened and she pressed against him hard, crying out
incoherently, clutching his shoulders and arms as she shook and panted, her
climax coursing through her, sending shivers through him with each quiver of
her body around him. She continued
riding his length, murmuring his name, entreating him to peak, her body dappled
with sweat and gooseflesh in the wake of her own experience. Remy did not need much encouragement
then. He felt his end come sooner than
he had expected but he did not care. His
hands had come free in all the moving.
He grabbed her around the waist, moving suddenly, pinning her beneath
him as he thrust hard into her once, then twice, burying his face against her
neck as he groaned and roughly panted her name, filling her with the hot spill
of release risen from his arousal for her.
He was not sure how long it was before he felt himself begin to soften
out of her still-quivering body, but he knew he was getting cold. Reluctantly,
he sat up, pulling her onto his lap, kissing her neck and shoulders as she
sighed. “Chere…
you know I wouldn’t really show dem pictures, vrai?”
and you know that next time you scare the Hell out of me, I’m setting you on
fire with sparklies, right?”
“Mmmmhmmm…” He stood, lifting her in his arms. “Bed?”
“Bed,” she agreed, yawning
widely. “Remy,” she asked as they reached
the foot of the stairs, “Why’d you come back here anyway? Why’d you tell me to
wait if you were just coming back to the house?”
He frowned. “I…thought I saw someone I needed ta talk to, ma belle. Weren’t important. I jus’ see you comin’
back here so I follow you an figure to surprise you…” He kissed her and set her on her feet. “I’ll be up in jus’ a minute… I wanna make sure dese doors
locked, cherie.”
She yawned and nodded, padding naked up the steps. Remy waited until he heard the bedroom door
close and turned to face the dark sitting room.
“Pere… I know you in here… I saw you in de Quartier…” There was no response but Remy felt the smile
and wink of his father in the dark. “You
a dirty ol’ man you know dat?”
“Go to bed, Remy,” a familiar voice
said softly. “I ain’t watchin’ my own son get laid mais
I do gotta say you need ta
be more respectful of silence, non? Go
to bed an’ we talk in de mornin’.”
Remy sighed and began the walk
upstairs. _Jubilee is gonna kill me… _
[1] Secret
Squirrel and Morocco
Mole… I know I’m not the only one who remembers them…
[2] From Alice
in Wonderland
[3] Put on
the mask
[4] A type
of incense used often in Buddhist ceremonies and rituals.
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