In the Gloaming | By : Nemain Category: X-Men - Animated Series (all) > Het - Male/Female Views: 2037 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men Evolution, or any of the characters from it. I make no money from from the writing of this story. |
In the Gloaming (NC-17)
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
The characters and setting belong to Marvel but the situation is
mine. I make no profit from this work
of fanfiction. None. Zip.
Zilch. Nada. I live in a van down by the river… ;)
(and I don’t own that line, either!)
This fic is SMUT. As in
sex. As in sticky, sweaty, possibly
screaming sex. If that bothers you, go
read something else. Thank you.
A/N Goddess Foxfeather, Queen of Mad Plotbunnies, BUSIEST
WOMAN ALIVE ™, Prophetic Muse, Hamster Witch, and Uberbeta…*crosses fingers
* Readers/Reviewers: This is for
Morgan, who needs it. And “in the
gloaming” is an old Scottish song, the gloaming being twilight and also the
area between life and death, the twilight of life. It’s also the name of a movie but that’s beside the point. ;)
“Remy? You
in here?” Jubilee knocked softly as she
pushed the door open, peering into the dark room with a thief’s eyes. She picked out his dark shape easily, a
shadow in the twilight cast by the rising moon. “Hey…” She could feel the
sadness wafting off of him like it was her own,pingping into her pores to
mingle with her own angst and depression.
“Do you want me to go?”
“Non,” he
sighed. “Entres.” He shifted and turned so that he as facing
her, still sitting on his bed. “He
gonna be okay?”
“Signs are
good,” she nodded, shutting the door behind her. “It was just a small heart attack.”
“No such
thing,” he protested stoutly. “All dem
coronary tings be serious.” He had
found the Professor that morning, lying on the study floor, his chair knocked
over in some attempt to save himself.
“I didn’t
say it wasn’t serious. It just was a
small one,” she murmured, the gravity of his mood tempering his voice. She padded barefoot across the rug to stand
before him. “He’ll be home by the end
of the week, medications and all.”
There was more to it than that, but she did not see the use in dwelling
on the details when there was nothing she could do about it thnd
there. “We’re going up to see him
tomorrow at General. Visiting hours
start at nine… Remy, are you
crying?” Something about the way the
shaft of lunar illumination struck him made her think that. There were no tell-tale tear tracks but the
expression of sheer dejection on his face made her think he might be weeping,
at least inwardly.
“Non.” He leaned back on his elbows and
sighed. “He looked…” His breath hitched and he turned his face
away as she lay next to him, leaning on her elbow to facilitate
conversation. “He look like he were
dead dis mornin’…” Remy passed his hand
over his face, scrubbing absently at the dark stubble on his jaw and chin. He had not shaved since the previous morning
and the effect made him look much older and haggard. “I thought… I were tinkin’…”
“Shhh,” she
soothed, reaching out to touch his cheek, wincing when he jerked away
slightly. “Remy, he’s going to be fine.
And if anything, you should be happy you found him when you did. He might have laid there for hours longer
until one of us went looking.” She
brushed a light kiss across his forehead and slid her hand down his neck and
shoulder to squeeze his upper arm. “I’m
glad you’re an early riser.”
He vented a
humorless laugh and leaned towards her, intending to kiss her in return, but
instead smacked her forehead with his chin as she moved to press against
him. “Ow! Chere, you got a heard head!”
She rubbed
her forehead as he rubbed his chin and smiled faintly. “Not the first person to ever tell me
that…” She giggled as he groaned in
exaggerated pain and leaned back, tilting her face up to his for a proper
kiss. Her fingers reached to tangle in
his hair and pull him closer as he would pull away from a chaste embrace, her
tongue darting out to beg entry to his waiting mouth. Remy sighed and parted for her, her ministrations progressing
from tentative seeking to a more demanding circumstance. She groaned when he pulleay, ay, pushing her
back gently. “Remy…”
“Ch>“Chere, it
jus’ don’ feel right…”< sty style="mso-spacerun: yes"> He rolled onto
his back and sighed again. “Not wid
Professor Xavier layin’ up in de hospital bed…”
“Remy,” she
replied after a brief pause, “there’s nothing immoral about kissing when
someone you care about is in the hospital.”
brusbrushed a curl away from his forehead and smiled sadly. “I’m scared too.” In truth, she had only stopped crying a few minutes before coming
to check on Remy. Seeing the Professor
so human, fragile and hooked to machines, asleep thanks to the drugs… “You know,” she said softly, aware that his
hand had moved to trace tiny circles on her hip, “even though he’s in a
wheelchair, I never really thought of him as being able to have normal
problems, ya know? I never
thought…” The tears came back then,
making her squeeze her eyes shut against the stinging reality of them. “I never thought he could get hurt.”
Remy was
torn between his own grief, the idea that the man he had comeconsconsider a
father, no matter how privately he held that notion, was fallible and fragile,
and Jubilee’s shocked tears. His desire
to comfort her won out over what he saw as his own selfish sadness. “Cherie, he gonna be okay…”
“I just
told you that,” she choked around her tears.
“I know that!”
“Then why
you cryin’?” He brushed a kiss across
her forehead again, then her damp cheek stained with salty tracks, then her wet
lips. “I’m jus’ a weepy ol’ ting
aujourd’hui, p’tite.” He squeezed her
hip and trailed his fingers up her side, tickling her as they skimmed across her
ribs. “We LeBeau, we kinda known fo’
bein’ emotional.”
She snorted
softly. “Liar,” she breathed, pressing
against him slightly. “You’d never h
been a master thief if you’d been prone to cryiags.ags.” She kissed the hollow of his throat and
nipped the skin there lightly. “Never
have stolen a diamond if you got the giggles…”
chuckled quietly. “Good point.” He sighed, his breath ruffling her hair, and
pressed his palm against her lower back, holding her tightly against him. He could feel the steady beat of her heart
against his ribs, the soft swell of her breasts and the firm plane of her
stomach, all familiar and like an extension of himself, he knew it so
well. “Je pense que…Je pense que I got
so upset cause I don’ like death.”
blinked, inhaling slowly to buy time.
She closed her eyes and sighed, languid in the warmth of the embrace and
just plain tired from the stress of the day.
She chose her words carefully, not quite sure how to respond without
betraying her own fear. “When I was a
kid…when my parents died…I think I stopped being afraid of death so much. I mean,” she tilted her face to look up at
his red eyes and tried to smile. “I
figured, what’s the worst that can happen now?
But,” her fingers crept up to stroke his neck, almost unwillingly, “now
I have you to worry about, don’t I?”
He frowned,
his brows drawing together in emphasis of his reaction. “Jubilation, I don’ want you frettin’ over
“And I
don’t, not usually,” she replied honestly. “You’ve made it this far in life
without getting killed. Like you keep
telling me, you have the most amazing luck…”
Jubilee lazily draped her leg over his hip, trying to get even more
comfortable. She blinked in a touch of
surprise as she felt him, already half aroused, against her. She continued, though, pretending she did
not notice. “But when I went in with
Kitty to see the Professor today…I kept thinking of what if it was you? What if something happened during a mission
or just some dumb accident and you wound up in the hospital or worse?”
“Dat could
happen to any one of us,” he murmured, gripping her knee lightly, pulling her
closer still. He felt guilty for
wanting her when he should be worrying more, but he could not help it. He repeated something Kurt had told him
about sex being life affirming but it was more than that. He had often thought that he would want
Jubilee even if he were half dead and battered. She wriggled slightly, and he
did not know if it was on purpose or just her trying to get more
comfortable. “Kitty, Kurt, Rahne…”
“I worry
about them, too, sometimes, but…” she closed her eyes. “You’re different.” She could feel his gaze on her, warm like a
tangible thing sweeping across her skin.
She sighed again and wondered why he sed oed of oranges and kissed his
throat. “You’re mine.”
He vented a
soundless breath and wove his fingers into her hair, squeezing his own eyes
shut against a well of emotion. “Ya
know,” he murmured after an immeasurable moment, then sliding his hand beneath
the edge of her nightshirt, “when you doin’ somethin’ dangerous…I can’t lookit
you.” He felt her surprise trace
through her body and felt his own face warm at the admission. “Even when you doin’ to’ flippin’
‘round…can’t watch case you fall.” Her
skin was so soft under his fingers that he allowed himself to push the grief
aside for the time coming and just feel her, feel her life and being and
breath. “You ain’t gonna laugh at me?”
he asked finally, when the grief threatened to burst his welling bubble of
happiness, being with her.
“Why should
I?” she murmured, sounding near sleep. “Mmmm…that
feels nice. My legs hurt from standing
all day.” She carefully chose not to
ask why he had not joined the rest of tham aam at the hospital and the
Professor, during his luty, ty, had not asked them where the one missing member
was. He had just taken in the faces of
all present and smiled, then nodded, and then let the drugs work. She chose instead to dwell on what Remy was
doing to her, the small patterns he was tracing down her thigh to her hip, then
back to her knee and down to her ankle, pressing against tight muscles and
making her sigh. “If you don’t stop,”
she muttered, “I’m gonna get relaxed and fall asleep right here.”
paused, his fingers on her knee, but did not withdraw. Instead, he bent to kiss her, first gently
then with more insistence, pushing her onto her back with only the faintest
murmur of protest from his partner. Her
arms moved to wrap around his back and she murmured in her throat, arching
against him as he kissed her again. His
need for her was different than the usual burning want this time; he could not
quite bring himself to be seductive, to ply her with words that she did not
need to hear but liked to, to take time like they usually did or to even be
fierce and fast like they sometimes did.
Instead, he kissed her again, almost chaste and innocent, feeling the
vitality of her beneath him, warm and breathing and willing. Jubilee returned the kiss with considerably
more heat than he had given it, her tongue tracing the seam of his lips,
begging entry until he parted for her.
He let her push against him until their positions were reversed, she
atop him, straddling his hips as her hands slid under his shirt, their kisreakreaking only momentarily for oxygen. He
opened his mouth to protest as her fingers worked the zipper and button on his
pants open, but she smiled at him and he sighed, relaxing back against the
mattress. “D’accord,” he murmured,
closing his eyes.
frowned for a moment, about to say something towards his seeming lack of
interest, then thought better of it. He’s
not disinterested, she realized, he’s scared.
Scared of death, scared of the in between time. The waiting, she thought, is what hurts
us. She shifted and leaned forward,
bracing her hands against his chest and pushing against his length, jumping
slightly as she felt his hand between them, guiding himself into her. “Remy,” she breathed as she was filled by
him, hot and hard in her waiting soft depths, “it’s okay to be upset you know…”
/spa/span>“Chere,” he
managed after the briefest of pauses, “I’m gonna dis dis ain’t de time to be
tellin’ me dat…” He gripped her hips
and raised against her, making her gasp softly. He sighed softly and slid his hands from her hips to her thighs,
giving over to her. Jubilee closed her
eyes again, reveling in the sensation alone.
She lovew hew he felt inside of her, how it felt like she was filled so
completely. She loved his sighs and
soft groans as she moved more quickly, and, she thought, she could not think of
one thing about the entire event that she didn’t love. Except, she added, what had brought her to
the room in the first place. She sighed
and increased the rhythm again, smiling when he gasped and tightened his grasp
on her thighs.
Remy loved
watching Jubilee above him and feeling her surround him. He was almost able to chase away every bit
of sadness in his heart by seeing her, her nightshirt bunched up beneath her
breasts, her slender body dappled in sweat and the juncture of their bodies,
her own desire evident in the seeping moisture showing on her thighs. He reached up and cupped her breast through
her shirt, tracing a linom tom the turgid peak to her navel, raising gooseflesh
as he went, then on further to the apex of her sex. She gasped and arched her back, exposing the pink flesh hidden
from him, as he brushed his finger across the nub of desire there. He felt her quiver against him with each
pass of his touch, the mewling in her throat becoming groans as he increased
pressure, stroking and pinching gently, rubbing against her as she tried to
keep her pace. In the end, she bit her
lip to keep from crying out and her nails raked his arms as she tried to
maintain balance and order, failing and shuddering against him, collapsing
forward as he never let up on his own ministrations. He felt his own end near but tried to hold back, his resolve
fading as she stretched forward to murmur, “Cum for me, Remy. I want to feel you do it inside me… Please,
Remy…” He moaned and kissed her briefly, trying to achieve some balance
of tenderness and lust. She contracted
around him again and murmured her plea once more. He felt the familiar tightening in his body give way to the rush
and release, filling her with a hot spill of release, clutching her tightly to
him as he spurted completion within her.
She did not try to pull away, even when she knew he was finished. She pressed her ear against his chest and
sighed, her finger tracing her name idly on his arm as she regained a semblance
of coherent thought. “Remy,” she said
finally, sighing wistfully as he withdrew from her, “about the Professor…”
“Don’t,” he
said firmly. “Not now. Don make me think a him when…when we just
did dis.”
“Okay,” she
replied quietly. She closed her eyes
and drifted into a near doze for a while, lulled by the rise and fall of his
chest beneath her and the steady, slowing thud of his heartbeat. Over and over, she turned the thoughts in
her mind about Pro Professor and about life and death. She was barely awake and Remy was stroking
her back idly, far from sleep, when she murmured, “The gloaming is what makes
it so bad.”
“Rahne said
it’s gloaming. Between life and death… That’s whaso hso hard.” She sighed and snuggled even closer. “If he had died, we’d be sad, if he was
fine, we’d be happy, but this in between…the gloaming.”
He nodded
even though he knew her eyes were closed.
“Oui,” he breathed. “Life an’
death…dat ain’t no place for un homme.”
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