Torment | By : GreenRogue Category: X-Men - Animated Series (all) > Het - Male/Female Views: 3025 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own X-men nor the marvel universe. The story within is written for pleasure and no monetary gain was received in the writing of this fanfic |
Magneto found himself growing restless in the mansion. He had been prowling the halls aimlessly as darkness settled over the compound. He was passing by the Professor's office for the fifth time that evening when the door opened. Glancing inside he could see the Professor, Logan, and Ororo sitting around his desk staring at him expectantly.
'Seems Miss Pryde has finally told the teachers.' He walked into the room, the door grazing his arm as it closed firmly behind him. He stayed standing just inside the glowing light of the desk lamp.
"Magnus, an interesting rumor has reached the ears of the some of the staff and I was hoping you could enlighten us to the truth." Magneto waited, not giving in to Xavier's opening. If he wanted to know, he damn well better ask the question. The room filled with an uncomfortable silence. Magneto continued to stare directly at the Professor, who returned his stare unwavering. After another tense moment, Logan grunted and stood. Walking over to Magneto he stopped just inches from his face.
"Listen bub, I'm going to ask you once. Did you abuse my Rogue?" Magneto raised an eyebrow at his question and glanced again at Xavier. The stony expression he received darkened Magneto's mood instantly. Turning back to Logan he spoke slowly.
"My dear man… Rogue does not belong to you, just as she does not belong to me. It seems her birthday must have slipped your mind. Rogue is of consenting age. I do believe when a woman is the one to initiate the contact, it is not considered abuse." Logan seemed to deflat a little as Magneto spoke and turned to look at Xavier.
"Is that true? When was her birthday?"
"August." Magneto spoke before allowing Xavier to interrupt. "I believe it was a few days before Apocalypse." Logan took a few steps back and sat back down with a thump. Magneto should have taken this moment to back down, to walk out of the room and leave this messy business behind. Pride and anger kept his feet firmly planted. "I wonder how much more her 'guardians' have missed in her life. Charles, have you noticed at all the nightmares that plague her every moment both waking and sleeping? Or how about the increase in activity of borrowed mutant strength? Or Ororo, you claim to have a motherly touch for the children… have you not noticed the tears that hover in her eyes? None of you have seen the pain and when she reaches to you, she gets nothing in return."
"What are you talking about Magnus? Yes we should have seen the signs, true. But she has never reached out. If she had I would not hesi-" Magneto laughed then. A hard barking laugh that made the Professor pause.
"Charles, she told me of an incident when you were in the library and told her, how did she put it, 'You'll help when you have time'. Yes, I can see you're tripping your wheels to assist her." This time is was Xavier's face to darken in anger. He wheeled from behind his desk and stopped next to Logan.
"I've had no such conversation with the girl and I don't appreciate the accusation." Magneto faltered for a moment, his anger dissipating instantly. "Has the girl lied before?" Xavier studied him for a moment.
"Not to gain attention and never under her own influence…" Xavier seemed to catch onto Magneto's line of thought instantly. Concentrating, he sent a call out to the other students.
'Would everyone please join me in my office, this is an emergency.' After a few moments, Scott and Jean walked through the door closely followed by Kurt and Kitty. Walking right up to the Professor, Scott held Jean's hand while Kurt and Kitty sat grimly on the couch.
"What's going on Professor?" Xavier turned to face them all.
"This is very important… do any of you remember Rogue acting any differently than normal the past few weeks?" The students were quiet for a moment before Kitty spoke up.
"She like, bit my head off last week when I asked her where she was one night. And like, has been ditching movie night with us.
"Ja! And then there was the whole face grabbing thing yesterday, her hands were really cold." He shivered comically and Kitty snickered for a moment, they both stilled from a glare by Logan. Scott seemed deep in thought for a moment before speaking up.
"I remember seeing her wandering the grounds the other night. She seemed… distant, like her mind was gone." Jean nodded and picked up where he grew silent.
"She always seemed distant when you talked to her."
"And none of you…" Magneto started, "Thought this was unusual enough to tell the Professor…" Scott puffed his chest out and started to speak but Jean cut him off.
"We have, well we did but… something always just seems… to…" The room seemed to slow, the clock above the mantle struggled to keep ticking and the space in the office seemed to swell and shrink to make room to an intrusion. After what seemed to be only a moment to the people inside, time returned and the clock ticked on.
"So, how are we gonna find old Sabertooth this tahme?" All eyes swiveled to Rogue in the far chair. It took the Professor a moment to pick up his thought and continued to map out a strategy. Magneto stood for a moment staring at Rogue, something in his mind was bothering him but he could not quite place it…
Sinister sat in his large lab staring at his latest experiment. The girl lay still with wires leading from her temple and arms. An I.V. full of sedatives stood dripping next to her. He had finally reached an impassable obstacle and it intrigued him, infuriated yes, but intrigued him more. He had tried to replicate her genes, tried to recreate the wonder that was this girl, but something continued to elude him.
'It's like every absorption has altered her somehow.' He frowned at the young form before standing. He brushed some sweaty hair from her forehead. Unconsciously she flinched from his touch and muttered in her drugged induced sleep.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the blue skinned snake woman come toward them from the dark. Her eyes flashed to her child on the cold table. She reached them in the light and watched the steady drip of the sedative before speaking.
"How much longer until she can wake?" Mystique lightly rested her own gloved hand above the pale one on the table.
"Once I have completed my work. You knew this deal when we started, do not interfere with my work now." her eyes narrowed in anger and she jerked her hand back from the still form.
"Our deal didn't quite cover this Sinister. How is this helping her gain control?" He scoffed at her and turned to type on the main computer. He sent a pulse through the wires to Rogue's still form and her body jerked slightly. Turning to the printer, Sinister grabbed the new stats and turned away from Mystique. By this time she was feeling pointedly ignored so she turned back to stare at her still daughter.
'She will understand one day. Until then however…'
"Emma wants to begin her work with her soon. Once the X-men accept the memories she is implanting. Do not get in her way. I would hate for Mr. Shaw to suddenly… lose interest in your work." Sinister never turned as Mystique left his lab. He never moved until he felt her presence disappear with haste from his home. Once he knew he was alone a fit of anger overcame him, shredding the paper in his hands he slammed his fists on the desk in front of him. Panting in the silence he could hear the quiet motors of his machines and the steady breathing of his experiment.
He turned to look at her then, her slight form dwarfed by the large stainless steel table. He walked to her slowly, memorizing the breaths she took and the steady flicker of her eyes behind those closed lids. He ran a finger down her arm, shivering at the slight pull of her powers as they tried to drain him.
"My poisonous caterpillar… what marvelous butterfly will you become?
Magneto took pride in his ability to read people, particularly children. Every possible temper tantrum or joyful giggle, he was aware of it before the child even uttered a sound. The only one he had ever had issues with, was Rogue. It seemed where there would normally be joy; all he would gain was sorrow. Where someone would normally feel pain or sadness, all he could find was contemplation.
This Christmas morning was different however as he watched the students open their gifts and laugh. She seemed… normal and that was disturbing him. The night before she had avoided him at all costs, going so far as to even join in on the late night carols and cookies before the Professor pushed them all off to bed. Now he watched her as she was Kitty who opened her gift. Some fluffy monstrosity of a sweater was nestled in the tissue paper. By the sounds of the squeals, it was exactly what the young girl had wanted.
"Like, how did you get it? It was like, sold out months ago!" Rogue smiled at her friend and shrugged.
"A girl never gives away her secrets." Kitty jumped over the multitude of boxes and mounds of paper and gave Rogue a quick hug. "Like, thanks girl!" Rogue smiled and to Magneto looked a bit… nervous. Xavier rolled next to him with a small box in his lap. He waited a moment for Magneto to turn and look at him.
"A gift came for you Magnus, it arrived yesterday and in the commotion from Sabertooth I forgot to give it to you." Magneto took the box with a small smile, it was wrapped in plain brown paper with the shipping label still attached. There was no return address, which in his line of work made Magneto suspicious. Peeling the tape away slowly he probed the box carefully, searching for any signs of mechanics or metal to give away a bomb. When he found none he stared at the simple wooden box displayed before him. Opening it slowly as the others around him carried on with the exchange, he felt the world fade away slowly to just him and the box. On a bed of cotton lay a simple picture of a man and woman dressed in workers clothing from the 1940s. Their hands rested on the shoulders of a young skinny boy who even to this day still looked at the world with calculating eyes. He tenderly lifted the drawing and saw a small folded piece of paper underneath. Pulling it out and gently laying the picture back he opened the paper and read carefully with clouded vision:
A mutual friend contacted me for my talents. She was rather
Persistent in my assistance and said it would be a gift for someone who would
Give everything to see these people whole again.
-Your friend
Her white streak and southern accent was very charming.
Please invite her with you next time you are in Russia.
He refolded the note carefully and stared at Rogue for another moment. She seemed lost in a sea of paper as Kurt was opening his gift from her. Her smile was wide but her eyes…
He stood slowly, resting a hand on Xavier's shoulder before walking out of the room. Sensing his mood, the professor turned to follow into the hallway. They continued in silence until they reached the elevator. Believing they intended to go up to his study, Xavier was surprised when the elevator started to move before he could press the button.
"I don't think this is good for the elevator Magnus." Magneto did not respond as they descended down into the sub-basement level. Barely waiting for the elevator to settle, Magneto strolled forward pulling on Xavier's chair forcing him to follow. Reaching the doors to Cerebro, Magneto stood for a moment and looked at Xavier expectantly. Barely hesitating the Professor opened the door and allowed himself to be steered onto the long platform.
"Magnus, what is this about?" Magneto looked at his longtime friend for a moment before answering.
"I don't believe Rogue is with us… I do not think that, person, upstairs is your charge." He waited for his words to sink in before continuing. "The past 18 hours she has been nothing more than the perfect teenager, a little clone of your other students. That is not Rogue." The Professor contemplated his words for a moment before grabbing his Cerebro helmet.
"Let us then find out where she is."
After several hours the Professor finally released his grip on the console and turned to face Magneto.
"Would you like the bad news my friend, or the worse news?" Magneto looked at him a moment before answering.
"You cannot locate her." Xavier nodded. “Then you know for a fact that mutant upstairs is not Rogue." Xavier nodded again, weary from using the machine. In the silence that followed, both men were vaguely aware of others present on the floors above. It had seemed the Christmas party had started without them.
"Go to the party Charles, I'll handle it from here." Xavier looked ready to argue but the haunted looked in his eyes and the grim line of his lips made him hesitate. He had seen that look before, he felt like something was out of place. He was missing something… A pain in his mind caused the Professor to cry out and slump in his chair. Images and memories piled on top of each other. In an instant it was done and he sat chilled in his chair. "What is it Charles? What did you see?" Xavier took a few deep breaths for a moment, his face as pale as a sheet.
"There has been another telepath here; this person has manipulated all of us." He looked at Magneto, he could see his friend staring at him but there was something else, a deeper concern inside his eyes and Xavier could tell his was anxious to leave. "You've developed feelings for her, haven't you Magnus."
Magneto did not respond, merely turned away and started for the elevator again. The Professor sighed and started to call his most trusted associates when he caught a quiet message directed at him.
'She's worth more than us combined. She deserves more that I can offer but God help me, I do love her Charles.' The professor bowed his head to hide the sudden tears he felt from the overwhelming emotions as the elevator doors closed. Taking a moment to compose himself, he reached again out to Jean.
'Jean, could you please come and see me down in Cerebro? Bring Scott and Ororo with you if you would, and do it quietly.' He felt her mental nod in affirmation and moved on to Logan.
'What's up Chuck?'
'Logan, are you near Rogue at the moment?'
'No, she stepped out, said the part was getting to oppressive for her. Why?' Xavier sighed before responding.
'I don't believe that is our young Rogue. If you could, please find her and track her, hopefully she will lead us to the true Rogue.'
'I've leaving now Chuck, I'll keep ya posted.' The Professor sighed and rested his head in his hands. He felt Jean come up behind him and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder.
"What's going on Professor?" He looked from his oldest students to his oldest friend and started to catch them up, hoping they weren't wasting precious time.
Several floors above, Magneto was strapping on the last of his armor while staring at the small picture he placed on his mantle. Next to the present lay a pair of forgotten gloves, their leather had grown stiff from the wet snow and drying on the vent. He had intended to return them to her but never had the chance; hopefully he would when he found her. Magneto felt a soft probing in his mind and sighed.
"I know you're here Ms. Frost. It is better for you if you reveal yourself before I place my helmet on." Like a veil peeling back from his sight, the shapely woman appeared in his armchair holding his helmet in her hands.
"Dear Magneto, why so gruff with old friends?" Before answering he reached with his magnetism for his helmet. It glided gracefully to his outstretched hand. As he slid the protection on, a slight buzzing he did not notice before in his mind ceased. He grabbed Emma by her forearms, forcing her to stand.
"Where is she Emma? I'll only ask you the once." Emma turned her skin to diamond and struggled against his grip.
"It's too late Magneto. The good scientist finished his experiments hours ago. All my master has to do is utter one word and she is lost to you. One. Word." Magneto released her with a small shove and she landed hard on the floor. "We can help her achieve great things you know, things you once strived for." He turned from her; his reflection stared back at him from the darkened window. He could see the picture of his parents over his shoulder. He hated the man he saw, the past deeds, the horrors and pains he caused. Now this new weakness, no, this new hope was slipping from his grasp. He closed his eyes for a moment before shoving his windows open with his power. Glancing behind his shoulder, Emma froze in his hard look.
"She will not be a pawn in this game of yours. I will not allow it." With that, he flew out of the window and into the night to search for his new hope. Emma waited a moment before pulling out her sleek cell phone. Auto dialing the only number saved she waited a moment before speaking.
"He's discovered us, time to move on… yes my love, her memories are set. Of course my love I will take care of Mystique. Yes, yes, see you soon." She threw the phone into the dying fire before leaving the room.
'It is time'
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