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Reviews for The Rogue, The Rat, The Demon, and The Cat

By : WhiteOrchid886
  • From SherlockHolmes on February 18, 2018

    Please update and continue this story! I like it.

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  • From ANON - X-24 on March 01, 2015
    This story is THE best Rommy story I have ever read. bar none. it's undoubtedly in the top thee Kurtty ones too but I read a lot more of those and would have to give that actual thought.
    s yeah. love it. thanks for writing it. you rock.
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  • From ANON - xfirexfaerie on May 04, 2014
    So I just stumbled upon this story, and I have to say that it is wonderful. I really hope you write some more. I know it hasn't been updated in a while...but I can hope and dream right?
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  • From ANON - Q on February 10, 2013
    Like the premise and the comedic touches are great. Please keep it going.
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  • From Revenaught on May 03, 2011
    When are you gonna update this story????????? UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry after the note at the end of the last chapter I just had to. I have to admit I haven't seen this level of Logan abuse ever. Bees and Fire Ants and screaming like a girl are all one thing, but a herd of armourus beavers? That was just too much. I laughed my ass off.

    On a serious note. I am very impressed with your writing. You are great at intense details on your characters without going overboard. I am enjoying the story quiet a bit. Keep up the good work.

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  • From Enigma180 on April 08, 2011
    I won't say it cause you asked us not to, but I AM setting up camp!!!!! :waits patiently with other campers: S'more??????
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  • From celticmanou on February 14, 2011
    I love the story and would like to know what happens next... Do you plan on continuing this or is the project under permanent hiatus?
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  • From roseredautumn on November 08, 2010
    AHH! you just have to update! I love this story.
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  • From blugyrl1985 on April 05, 2010
    I absolutely love this story!! You are an amazing writer and I can't wait for the next chapter- not that I am trying to rush you. I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into your chapters and it definitely shows! Keep up the good work!
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  • From DarkjX39 on February 12, 2010
    Holy hell!!! I have always loved long stories and this was like finding a goldmine! Your story is so entertaining and actually makes me laugh out loud sometimes. And the naughty bits are good too. ;) However as I came to the last posted chapter... I happened to look at the last time you have updated... TWO FRIGGIN YEARS AGO!?!?!? Hopefully you have not died... I will be checking back periodically to recieve my fix. Lol.

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  • From Chanku27 on January 31, 2010
    This story is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Scorpia on November 30, 2009
    I just love your story. It is a brilliant idea with the goddess of love trying to get the couples together! And she is so sweet too. ^_^
    I too want to kick the god of bad timing's ass so hard!!! lol
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  • From AshmandaLC on July 22, 2009
    of all the crap to happen to all of them and at just those moments. good God i hate Scott. and Jean. and all the other X-Brats. :( douchebags...the lot of them. >:(

    but this...passion fruit? oh man. sounds...pleasant. ;) cant wait to read, but will have to wait til later. its 4:30 am here and i need to get to bed before reading another LONG chapter.(i just love that about this chapter. i clicked to the next chapter first to see if i could read it before having to go to bed, and it aint possible lol) ill review more later, i promise. just need to rest my weary eyes and get through my day. then ill be back :) this is still great and im loving how shes convincing everyone to do her bidding. XD
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  • From AshmandaLC on July 22, 2009
    oh wow. XD what an intro! totally something new to me! XD i cant begin to tell you how many times i laughed. i mean, so much of this stuff is the wall and random. Like Higher Powers going to a Paul Simon concert? i have nothing against the man, my self (am actually a bit of a fan lol) but its...not something you read everyday lolXD well, im off to read the next chapter! :D wonderful so far!
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  • From SidhePanther on July 01, 2009
    Nnngh, I have to tell you missy, that it is your fault I am still up at almost 6 in the morning and that I have to go to work in 5 hours! ...but in all honesty, I'm glad. So glad I've found such a perfect story, and I love these pairings. Kurtty more (I don't think I'd go out of my way to read a stand-alone Romy) but the Romy in this is irresistible.

    Oh, and I have to say, I don't generally like OCs (well ok, they don't bother me too much if they aren't paired with a main character...or a character I think belongs with someone else >.>), but the characters you've created for this are simply divine! Especially Matilda. I actually enjoy reading her exploits away from the four "subjects". And as much as it's torture, I also love that everything is going slow between them, that they haven't actually jumped each other's bones yet. I mean, I realize in the story that not a lot of time has actually passed...but in terms of chapters it's slow. And that's great; being teased all throughout the story will just make the actual event all the better!

    I know I can't tell you to update, but if you have the time and happen to remember me, do you think you could send an e-mail when you finally do? It's been almost a year which is a little worrisome, but I believe you when you say you'd alert everyone if you up and quit. Which would just be too shameful...anyway, in case you remember, my e-mail is
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