Take Me Out Tonight | By : Darkhoelme Category: X-Men - Animated Series (all) > Het - Male/Female Views: 5770 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men Evolution, or any of the characters from it. I make no money from from the writing of this story. |
The kiss was slower and more relaxed
now, but no less thorough, and they were both a bit short of breath when she
finally pulled back. He smiled down at her, his weight still braced on one
forearm while the other hand continued to stroke gently up and down her side.
She reached for some errant strands of hair but stopped her hand part-way to
her face, half frowning at him and he tried - and doubtless failed - to look
contrite as she informed him, "You owe me a new pair of gloves."
"I'll even splurge for two pair if you like," he
answered with a teasing grin. "It's a small price to pay," he added
as he ran a finger lightly up her belly, brushing the barbell in her navel
before shifting higher to gently circle one dark nipple.
She shook the hair out of her eyes before he could quite
work his hand far enough up to help - couldn't blame a guy for being easily
distracted under the circumstances, though - and then she was pushing up to
sit, pressing the damp scarf to his face and leaning in for another kiss. And
she could do that any time she wanted, he decided, as he ran the fingers of his
other hand through her hair, holding her to him as well as brushing some of the
sand free. They were a mess, really - sandy, damp and sticky - but he couldn't
quite bring himself to give a damn; not when she tasted like this and both of
her hands were stroking idly through the fur on his back.
His tail continued to tease lightly at the inside of her
thigh and a low, contented rumble started up in his chest as, the urgency gone
now, he simply relaxed into her embrace.
"I'll even splurge for two pair if you like,"
he answered with a teasing grin. "It's a small price to pay." She
laughed, trying to keep a somewhat angry look on her face and failing
miserably. God, he just had to go and be too cute to... no. No way was she
going to finish that thought. Because she did not need for them to become one
of those nauseatingly cute couples and... fuck, there
was something she hadn't thought through. Things were going to be different.
But she didn't know how and she was almost scared to even go there right then.
Just enjoy it.
She pulled herself up, planting another kiss on him
through the significantly soaked and somewhat sand spattered scarf. After a few
moments, she leaned back a bit and pulled the scarf the rest of the way off her
neck. It was definitely just as dead as the gloves. Glove.
Where the hell was her other glove? As she repositioned
herself, she felt his tail again, stroking lightly at her thigh, and she
reached over and held it up, poking him in the side of his head with it.
"This thing is dangerous."
Pulling out of his arms somewhat reluctantly, she glanced
up toward the road where slightly intoxicated kids were starting to congregate
to stay out of view of the bouncer, who would probably call the cops if he
caught them drinking so close to the club. She nodded toward the kids, one of
whom had spotted them and was making whooping noises. "Uh... I'm thinking
that we might want to go somewhere... else?"
Right, because with her luck, one of those jerkoffs would have a camera phone and would recognize them
and start posting all kinds of pictures on the internet and she really wasn't
sure if everyone needed to find out that way. If they needed
to find out at all, really. Pulling her legs in and noting that he also
owed her a new pair of stockings and while he was at it, he was pretty much
responsible for the underwear too. And yep, new skirt.
Jerking her head toward the road again, she raised an eyebrow. "We'd
better not be walking up to the bike."
He would have been more than happy to just go on as they
were...or maybe go back to where they'd been a few minutes ago, but Rogue
finally pushed back, pulling the scarf away from her neck as she did so. It
didn't manage to kill the quiet purr rumbling through his chest, even as she
held out the scarf and examined it in a way that made it pretty obvious that he
was buying her something besides gloves...several something's, actually, he
realized, almost laughing as he finally looked down and took note of the state
of the rest of her clothes. Not that his were much better, honestly, but they
were a bit sturdier and more likely to survive the abuse.
She shifted then, and his purr stuttered on amused laughter
as she reached down to grab his tail and poke him in the side of the head with
"This thing is dangerous."
"Only if you want it to be," he answered,
tugging it from her grip and lazily circling the piercing in her navel with the
spade as he reluctantly let her pull out of his arms. He immediately felt
colder...especially in certain rather damp places...despite the warmth and
humidity of the evening and he sighed melodramatically at the loss. He stopped
his teasing, though, and the last of his purr stuttered and died as he followed
her glance up to the top of the bluffs and caught sight of their 'audience',
who was quickly going to attract more attention to them if they didn't get the
hell out of there fast.
"Scheisse," he muttered under his breath.
"Uh... I'm thinking that we might want to go
somewhere... else?"
"Definitely," he answered with a sigh as he
realized that it was too late to turn on his inducer, he'd definitely been
spotted in all his blue, fuzzy, and mostly naked, glory. Scheisse, Scheisse,
He turned back to her, still smiling faintly as she raised
an eyebrow and jerked her head towards the road - and the crowd - above.
"We'd better not be walking up to the bike."
He looked down at himself and then back up and cocked an
eyebrow at her, his smile turning wry. "I'm thinking that wouldn't be one
of the better ideas, no," he agreed before slipping to his feet and
offering her a hand up after. And, ewww, he turned
slightly away as he grabbed one arm of his dangling uniform and swiped it
across the drying mess on his belly. That was gonna
be crusty.
"Um...I'm gonna..." he
waved a hand vaguely as he let his cargoes slide to the sand at his feet and
then pushed down his sticky, soiled uniform until he could work his tail free
and step out of it entirely. He wasn't worried about the audience on the cliff
seeing anything. Hell, Rogue probably couldn't even really see him in the
shadows...not that it mattered since she'd pretty much seen all the relevant
bits already at this point.
That accomplished, he dropped his uniform to the sand at
his feet and stepped back into his cargoes. Not perfect, but better.
"You can lose the stockings if you want," he
suggested, blushing slightly - and Gott sei danke
that she couldn't tell - as his tail collected the uniform again. "We're
going straight home, so it'd be safe enough," he added as he looked back
up, noticing that another - probably drunk - teen had joined the first, who was
gesticulating wildly as he indicated the stretch of beach they'd been on and
making motions like he was going to start down. Definitely time to go....
She grinned and blushed ever so slightly at his response
to the tail comment, shivering as it traced around her bellybutton. As they
pulled away and she started to examine the damage to her clothes, the drunken
crowd at the top of the ridge caught her attention. Fuck. She alerted him to
the crowd and suggested that they hit the road. Not in the least because she
was suddenly being reminded that Kurt had one of the single rooms... nope, no
that wasn't it. Okay, maybe that was part of it.
I'm thinking that wouldn't be one of the better ideas,
no," he agreed as he got to his feet, offering a hand. After looking
down at her own hands and waving the bare one in the air, she reached up and
let him pull her to her feet. Kurt was slowly noticing the amount of caked...
general goo covered in sand that was on the both of
them. She tried not to laugh as he wiped himself off and then made a move to
take off the rest of... everything, it seemed. She wasn't exactly complaining,
but they'd been planning to leave, and doing that wasn't really going to make
her much more eager to... ooooh. Okay, just taking
off the uniform.
"You can lose the stockings if you want,"
he suggested, much to her amusement. She shrugged, hesitating. Probably was
better that she keep herself covered, even if that
meant that she was also... well, covered. In nastiness.
"We're going straight home, so it'd be safe enough," he
assured her. The breeze was definitely making the parts of her legs that had
something wet on them start to feel cold... fuck, she
didn't want to risk it. Shaking her head, she frowned.
"I'm good." Spotting her
other glove beside a boulder, she picked it up, pulling it on again and looking
up at the couple of drunk guys who had decided to
examine the beach, then holding her hands toward Kurt. "Bet I could sell
these on E-bay. Help defray the cost of buying new ones."
Walking back over to him, she raised her arm up and
pressed the sleeve of her shirt against his mouth, planting a quick kiss before
putting her arms around him so he could 'port them up to the bike. "You
can drive.”
He could hardly believe she'd actually
blushed at his comment, and it made his grin spread even wider and his purr
kick up a notch. Also made him want to wrap her in his arms again and see if he
couldn't maybe get her to turn that color all over with a bit of effort.
Unfortunately, the mood was pretty much ruined in short order when she drew his
attention to the drunken teens hanging out at the edge of the bluffs above, one
of whom had apparently noticed them and was trying to get his buddies to come
over and enjoy the show. Arschloch.
From there it didn't take long to decide it was time to
get out of there, though he took a moment to slip out of his uniform first. Not
like it mattered what he was or wasn't wearing once they were out of here and
he could turn the inducer back on, anyway, and he had no interest in pulling
damp, sandy...sticky...spandex back up over his fur.
Rogue hesitated over his suggestion that she could take
off her stockings, and his eyes slipped down to linger over the mesmerizing
swell of her mostly bare breasts as she considered the option. "I'm
good," she finally answered, and he forced his gaze back up to her
face, mouth dry and, Gott, pants just the slightest bit tight again as he
nodded his understanding. He couldn't imagine that her stockings were any more
comfortable than his uniform had been, but he also realized how hard it was for
her to be uncovered.
She found her abandoned glove lying beside the boulder
they'd sat on earlier and as she bent to pick it up he had to resist the urge
to step up behind her, press himself to her and reach around to...Gott, his
mind seemed to have taken up permanent residence in the gutter, rather than
just settling for frequent extended visits. Forcing his attention back to the
bluffs overhead, he took a moment to steady his breathing as she slipped the
glove on.
"Bet I could sell these on E-bay. Help defray the
cost of buying new ones," she commented, and he turned to look back at
her, snorting in laughter as she extended her gloved hands out towards him.
"You could probably replace your whole wardrobe for
what they'd go for." He shook his head in bemusement at the reminder of
how very obsessed some people were with them, and not only the ones who camped
at the front gate waving signs and chanting their hate.
He sort of lost track of that thought, though, as she
walked back towards him and he was distracted by the enticing sway of her, ohmeinGottsehrsehrschoen,
breasts as she moved. She raised her arm up and pressed the sleeve of her
shirt against his mouth, planting a quick kiss that he barely had time to
return before she put both arms around him in anticipation of being 'ported up
to Logan's bike. It was all he could do to resist kissing her again - and
getting knocked cold and pissing her off for his trouble - but he slipped his
own arms around her, running his hands down her back and settling on her ass
with a quick squeeze as she spoke again.
"You can drive."
"Mmmm, you're in a good
mood," he answered, smiling against her hair as he let go of her ass,
activated his image inducer and then-
world lurched through a heartbeat of heat and darkness and then rematerialized
as the dim alley behind Kathmandu,
thankfully abandoned right now. He'd had a brief moment of concern when it
occurred to him that someone might be hiding out back there smoking a joint or
drinking or...something...but they'd gotten lucky.
Now all he had to do was drop his arms and let Rogue
go...which he'd do in just a second…really.
"You could probably replace your whole wardrobe
for what they'd go for." She half-snorted, glancing
down at her outfit. Yeah, replacing just about everything that she was
wearing, at least, was looking like it would be necessary. She frowned
slightly, looking over herself. Something was missing. Couldn't
quite place it, though, so it must not have mattered. The drunks on the
road were getting braver, one of them crossing the guide rail, and she moved
toward him, kissing him through her shirt and putting her arms around him. He
was warm, and pressing herself up against him definitely helped to take away
some of the cold of the wind. The way he traced his hand down her body was also
helping to get rid of some of the chill... In fact, heading home, he'd make a
great wind barrier. She could let him drive. Just once.
"Mmmm, you're in a good
mood," he murmured, face still pretty much lodged in her hair. Rolling
her eyes, she opened her mouth to snap something back, but he was right. She was
in a good mood. For the past two years, she'd been fighting against herself,
too worried about the possible consequences to let herself
get close to anybody. But she'd done it. And Kurt was still alive, there were
no extra voices in her head, and it hadn't been a complete disaster. Her mouth
stretched into a smile as she held him tighter and they disappeared in a puff
of smoke.
As the small, stinky cloud dissipated, she looked around.
Okay, behind the club. That worked. She started to pull away from him,
regretting it immediately. The wind was really, really not helping with the
mess drying on her, and for some reason, her chest was... oh, fuck. The bra was
still dangling from her arm. Okay. Yeah, Kurt was definitely going to take the
front. Standing there, with her arms still wrapped around him, she grinned.
Okay. Going to have to go sometime. Sighing, she
pulled away and started toward the edge of the building. Okay, the bike wasn't
far. Just a few feet, but those were feet out in the light and she was
definitely not wearing her bra, and the shirt was see-through and... oh, fuck it.
She headed toward the bike, walking as nonchalantly as she
could. Nothing to see, move along... soon (and luckily, without incident), they
were climbing onto the bike and she could wrap her arms around him again and
lean forward, keeping herself much less exposed than she otherwise would have
been. As the bike kicked into gear, she raised an eyebrow, noticing immediately
that the current position she was in, the way she was still feeling... it was
going to be an interesting ride.
He let go reluctantly as she pulled away with a sigh.
Couldn't stand there all night, after all, and there was the added bonus of the
view when she stepped away. Of course, the downside was that everyone else was
going to get a view too, if they weren't lucky. He followed her to the edge of
the building and looked out across the parking lot, his hand resting at her
waist, barely resisting the urge to slip it up farther. Only a few kids were
out there, and most were near the club; smoking or making out in the shadows
near the building.
Still, he was surprised when Rogue suddenly stepped out
and made her way towards the nearby bike, for all the world as though she
weren't all but topless, with her bra hanging from one arm down the inside of
her shirt. He just stared for a moment, shaking his head bemusedly before
rushing to catch up.
Almost wished she wasn't feeling so
generous about letting him drive home, though, because he definitely wouldn't
have minded being pressed up against her on the way back. Still, he climbed
aboard, tucking his wadded up uniform slightly beneath him, one wispy edge of
her scarf trailing from the bundle...and decided right about when she swung her
leg over and pressed against him from behind that maybe getting to drive was a
good thing. A very good thing.
Kicking the bike into gear, he revved the engine once
before turning back towards here with a grin. "Hold on, Liebe."
And then they were peeling out of the parking lot, past
crowds of teens on the sidewalk, the music lost in the roar of the engine as he
headed for the backstreets, skirting the darkened, semi-industrial edge of town
on his way to Greymalkin.
"Hold on, Liebe."
he didn't need to tell her twice, and she pulled herself in, looping her arms
around his midsection and resting her head against his back. And she was not
going to think about the motorcycle, or how it was vibrating or how badly Logan was going to kill
her. She extended her arm to one-finger salute a kid who'd noticed them heading
back to the bike, then put her arms right back into place, one of them sliding
down toward the bottom of his stomach without her realizing it. Or at least
that's what she'd say if anyone asked.
Grinning, she slipped her hand down even farther, holding
on even tighter with the other arm. Fuck, couldn't he drive any faster? Not
that the speed he was going right then was bad... nope, not by any
means. In fact, it was pretty good. Pretty freaking good.
Why the hell weren't they home yet? She pressed herself harder against him,
craning her neck up closer to his ear. "Drive. Faster."
Soon, they were pulling up to the gates of the school, and
waiting as they took an insanely long amount of time to open... aaaany day now... Finally, it was open enough for them to
drive through, and she looked up at the windows, which were mostly dark. She
hadn't realized jut how long they'd been out. And honestly, she really didn't
care. They pulled to a stop and she swung off the bike, just barely remembering
to put the key back in it's hiding place before
grabbing for the scarf again and practically jumping on him.
And that turned out to be a bit more uncomfortable than
she thought it would, as it seemed that despite the clothes that she was still
wearing, sand had managed to make it's way into the most uncomfortable of
places. She pulled away from him with a frown. "There is sand. Up my ass."
"Drive. Faster."
Like she really wanted him to take these corners any
faster considering what her hand was doing? He was having enough trouble
concentrating as it was, he didn't really want to turn them into a smear of
hairy jam on the pavement because she'd gotten creative with his junk and he'd
laid it down doing eighty. He'd really rather live long enough to find out how
much more creative they could get with a bedroom and some...supplies. Assuming
she was still interested, of course, and as she stroked at the growing bulge
behind his fly he figured it was a fairly good bet that she still was. Either
that or she had a sadistic streak even larger than he ever would have credited.
Felt like she was practically vibrating on the seat behind
him as they waited for the gates to open sooooo
slowly, but he wasn't going to complain too much, because it meant her breasts
were doing very interesting things against his back at the same time that her
hand was doing some equally interesting things at his crotch. Gott, she was gonna kill him before they even got off the verdammt bike
at this rate. As soon as the gate was open far enough he wheeled through, more
slowly - and more importantly, more quietly - now. The house seemed mostly
dark, Gott sei danke, and Logan hopefully wasn't camping out waiting to
rip them a new one over taking his bike, so why announce their return?
Seemed like they were in luck, because there was no sign
of life as the engine died and he pocketed the keys. Rogue hopped off immediately
and he sighed at the loss of her body pressed behind him, not to mention that
ever so entertaining hand. He wasn't bereft for long, though, because he'd
barely swung his leg over the bike - which was a bit uncomfortable to do under
the circumstances - before she was grabbing the scarf from the bundle of his
uniform and throwing herself at him.
He didn't even get the chance to snag another kiss,
though, before she was pulling away looking...well, looking kind of pissed,
actually. Before he had a chance to get worried about the way she was frowning,
though, she announced, "There is sand. Up my
"Sand? Up your..." he
didn't quite manage to finish the sentence through the snort of laughter he
couldn't quite suppress entirely. "Why don't we get inside where we can do
something about that problem?" he suggested with a wicked grin, tossing
his crumpled uniform over one bare shoulder while reflecting on the definite
merits of being the one on top for any kind of beach sex. Gott...beach
sex...sex...with Rogue...
His eyes glazed over slightly and he reached out to tug
the scarf out of her hands. Pressing a relatively clean section to her face he
leaned in for a kiss, one hand holding the fabric in place while the other
settled on her - unfortunately sandy - ass and pulled her tight against him.
Odds were good he was going to wake up tomorrow and this was all going to have
been a dream, he'd better make the most of it while it lasted.
Thoroughly focused on the taste of her mouth as he dragged
his tongue along her lips, the feel of her almost-bare breasts pressed into the
fur of his chest, the slight ohGottnotnearlyenough
pressure of her body against his significantly lower down, he seized on the
image of the bare spot just in front of his door, the only spot in his room he
was absolutely sure there was room for both of them to 'port to in this
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