Spider's Web Trilogy - The Spider's Bite | By : Shadow-Of-The-Guardian Category: Marvel Verse Comics > Spiderman Views: 196008 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 20 |
Disclaimer: Do Not Own Anything Of Spider-Man From Ultimate Marvel Comics And Do Not Make Any Profit From This |
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything of Ultimate Marvel Comics Spider-Man nor do I make or even seek any profit from this. I do this on my own dime.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Author Note: When I wrote this chapter, I occurred to me that it was too long and it seemed to make better sense in a way to make two chapters out of it. Though both will be posted at the same time, I hope both chapters get a review since they do help in making this story better in places where it can be better. @ @ @ Chapter 5: Double the Trouble or Double the Fun? (Part One) @ @ If there’s one thing that Natasha Romanov hated about being an elite spy whose primary job was obtaining information that others tried to hide, it was that whatever information she uncovered didn’t answer any questions. Normally it was questions that either her superiors or information buyers wanted answered but this time around, it was her own questions that she was having difficulty answering. Ever since a week ago when the SHIELD spy encountered the teenage vigilante called Spider-Man, Natasha found her thoughts focusing more and more on him. Having been rigorously trained to be almost constantly objective, Natasha knew something was off if her few idle thoughts she allowed herself in her off-time to have steadily shifted over to the teenager. Even now, sitting cross-legged on the floor in the living room of her loft in New York wearing only a silk light red robe and matching panties in front of her own personal laptop computer, Natasha was busying getting every bit of information she could find both through her access to SHIELD’s main database and whatever was posted on the internet. Obviously she had tried her standard means of getting the information that she sought but very surprisingly in her view, Director Nick Fury had made it so only he had access to the information. It took some time but Natasha managed to sneak pass the security blocks and get the information SHIELD knew about Spider-Man a.k.a. Peter Benjamin Parker. “Who are you?” Natasha said to herself as she read the personal profile of the teenage boy from Queens. In fact, she read it several times because what she read didn’t seem to make any sense to her. The file on Peter Parker read like your typical American teenager that had been living with relatives after his parents had died when he was still a baby. SHIELD analysts had concluded that the boy had a high aptitude for science, similar to his late-father but overall, there was nothing in the file that could help explain why a woman like herself started to think more and more about the teenager. The only interesting bit of information that Natasha learned was how Peter Parker had gotten his meta-human abilities. Natasha was aware that Nick Fury was secretly going to high-tech biological companies like Osborn Industries and Hammer Industries and offering a big expensive government contract for a new super soldier serum or the next generation of super soldiers. Natasha had to admit that despite being a freak accident, Peter’s abilities could actually make him a new super soldier and that was probably why Nick Fury was keeping a tight lid on him. Natasha also had a thought that since his powers were based on a spider’s abilities, with some proper training Peter could actually be a damn good spy. She also somehow had the same thought of her being Peter’s teacher when she mentally pictured Peter being trained as an elite spy. Natasha also noticed that when she thought more and more but Peter, she would reach up and rub the spot where peter had bit her. She wasn’t sure why but chalked it up to the fact that the teenager managed to wound her in a way no other person Natasha had ever encountered managed to do. In her line of work, Natasha was either shot at, attacked with bladed weapons or someone’s own fists but never had she been bitten even though she herself had done it a couple of times. Both in cases of seduction to gain information and in close quarters combat where the fight was too even to her liking. When her search in the SHIELD database essentially came up dry, Natasha searched the internet but found the information even more useless to her despite whatever tidbits she managed to uncover. Right now, all she was doing was watching a cellphone video of Peter as Spider-Man dealing with some bank robbers that was posted on Youtube. It was on repeat because Natasha saw it as the best video capture of the teenager capabilities and that was comparing it to the surveillance footage that SHIELD had. With this video, Natasha analyze and committed to memory the teenager’s tactics as per her training when dealing with possible enemy combatants. In her particular line of work, it was common sense since more than once Natasha had fought someone who was once considered a comrade. As Natasha’s eyes were intensely locked on the video, the female spy was unaware that her hand that was just over the area where Peter had bitten her had moved to a lower part of her body. As she continued to watch, her hand started to lightly rub her vagina. At first it was over her panties until her actions caused a wet spot to form which then her hand moved past in order to give an even more personal touch to her vagina. Natasha was still watching the video of Spider-Man but was barely aware of her acts of self-pleasure. She didn’t notice her breathing had changed from steady breathing to one matching the growing hints of sensual stimulation she was giving to herself. Natasha’s mind slowly shifted over to what her eyes were seeing in front of her to what she had experienced when she had first met Spider-Man. Her mind played out the event exactly as it had happened up until the point where she had thrown a punch and Spider-Man easily caught it. Natasha’s memory of the event suddenly changed from Spider-Man biting her in the shoulder area to giving her a passionate kiss she had never before experienced. The kiss was so passionate that Natasha saw herself get pushed to the ground and onto her back with Spider-Man on top of her still kissing her while holding her arms pinned above her head. Spider-Man’s free hand went to her breast and firmly fondle them just the way Natasha preferred it. The altered memory of what Spider-Man had done to her made Natasha, again without her realizing it, mimic the same motions in her memory on herself with her other hand. With left hand stimulating her clit and her right hand giving her very ample bust firm squeezes, Natasha almost began to lose herself to her actions. If her cellphone that had a direct line to SHIELD headquarters hadn’t rung, Natasha might’ve continued but it was only with reluctance that she stopped in order to answer the call. A moment before flipping her cellphone open, Natasha was hit with the very sudden realization that she was masturbating to the idea of a teenager taking her unlike any other man, or women had ever done before. The way she wanted to be taken and that was definitely a sobering thought that didn’t leave Natasha easily. Collecting herself, Natasha put the phone to her ear and waited for the person on the other end to begin speaking. Natasha also already knew who it was that was calling her but decided to feign some ignorance in this conversation. “Care to tell me why you’re looking up information on a certain teenage vigilante?” Nick Fury’s voice came in loud and clear over the cellphone’s speaker “Trying to find some pieces to the puzzle, that’s all.” Natasha knew Nick wasn’t any kind of an idiot and no matter what she said, he would always have some suspicions. At best she could hope for at this point was to direct his suspicions elsewhere if only for a short time. “I find it a coincidence that someone like him was at the Latverian Embassy when he was and you know we both don’t believe in coincidences.” “The basic info should’ve told you he has a part time job at a newspaper.” The tone in Nick’s voice was clear enough for Natasha to know what he was really saying to her. That the information was basically classified and at the very least, Natasha wasn’t supposed to learn the information the way she had which was essentially hacking into restricted government database servers. “I considered that but I don’t believe that someone could have told a newspaper that there was something happening at the embassy that would not only gain his attention but enough to warrant his decision to take action.” Nick was quiet for a moment, taking into consideration what Natasha had said to him. Natasha also knew that Nick was analyzing her response for any hints of ulterior motives. “I’m not saying this teenager has connections that could allow him to learn things that most civilians and even government personnel don’t know exists but there has been other instances where he was involved that seemed random on the surface at the time.” “Such as?” Natasha reminded Nick of the time the Hulk has started attacking New York, before the Ultimates was first assembled and way before Bruce Banner went on a triple-digit killing spree because of the mental screw-job his ex-girlfriend Betty Ross did to him because she herself couldn’t keep her pants on. It was reported that during that incident, there was moment when Bruce reverted back from being the Hulk and had a brief conversation with Spider-Man who had initially led the Hulk to an abandoned warehouse, away from the civilian populace. It was never reported what was said between the two nor did Bruce mention anything on what it was that he had said to Spider-Man. It wasn’t much but Natasha knew Nick couldn’t dismiss the fact there was a possible missing piece of information that could easily explain a few things at best or reveal certain unexpected things that could become threats later on at worst. In their line of work, the old proverb that a single grain of sand can tip the scales meant much more than most people realize. Natasha had hoped that what she had said tip the scale into her favor. To make sure the scale truly did tip in her favor, Natasha also mentioned that Peter had run into Logan before he joined Xavier’s X-Men. SHIELD surveillance had reported that after that impromptu team-up, where Peter helped Logan deal with Sabertooth when both were fighting in New York‘s Time Square, Logan and Peter had a conversation as well. However, it was brief too and so most of what was said between the two wasn’t recorded. Natasha had some personal history with Logan and knew him to be a man of action, in more ways than just one. Natasha also knew that Nick knew Logan as well so the sexy red head figured that was more than enough to convince the Director of SHIELD to allow an idea she had in her mind. “So what is it exactly you have in mind?” Nick knew that Natasha didn’t do anything without a purpose but he didn’t let on that at the moment, he couldn’t see what purpose she had that dealt with Peter Parker. Natasha couldn’t help but smile. After laying out her plan and intentions regarding the teenager vigilante and getting the go-ahead from Nick, Natasha looked back at her laptop still playing the video of Spider-Man in action. “Soon, I’ll prove to you why they call me the Black Widow.” Natasha said outloud to herself but didn’t realize that her face had a very predatory expression at the time. Those that knew Natasha Romanov and has seen such an expression before knew it meant one of two things. The first would be that it usually meant the Black Widow had someone in her sight that she would personally kill and take her time in enjoying it too. The only other person, that was still alive at least, who saw and knew the other meaning of this expression was Logan and if he saw it now, his response would be simple despite how ludicrous it sounded to him. “The kid is going to have the time of his life.” Logan would say after seeing that expression. While Natasha began implementing her plans in regards to the teenager, Peter Parker himself was going through his own deep thought processes about recently key events and had to admit that things were getting interesting in his life. Interesting in many ways but also in ways he knew he would never expect and that was on both fronts of his life. His life as a civilian had taken a turn in a direction where Peter knew most men dreamed about but so very rarely happened even in reality. Maybe for those rich playboys who use the call girl service but even then, Peter felt it barely compared to his life. Somehow, Liz Allen and Mary Jane Watson both agreed that they would share Peter but not openly. Even after thinking about the events over and over that led to the girls to becoming his girlfriends, Peter still couldn’t understand how it happened. He had theories of course but he also didn’t have the means to test them fully at the moment. Peter wasn’t complaining about the uniqueness of the situation, having two girls that were both very beautiful that didn’t have a problem with sharing intimate relations with one guy. He knew that without a doubt that he had to be careful because the potential for this to explode in his face was almost a 100%. And with his luck, Peter figured it would either be Flash Thompson or Aunt May that would be the spark that caused it to explode in his face. Then there was his superhero life. When Peter first started being Spider-Man, he had made web-shooters that used a formula that his late-father was working on as the basis for the web lines they fired. At first, the only real application that Peter had in mind was only fire web-lines but a sudden unexpected brainstorm gave him ideas on what else he could use the formula for. Of course, it required modifying the mechanical web-shooters in order to fire the other various forms of webbing. But the second he realized that he could modify the formula, Peter’s mind suddenly flooded with ideas of what else he could do with his webbing. Two ideas he had right away was seeing if he could make a kind of impact-webbing where firing a web ball at a target would explode on impact and bind them in webbing. The other was a doable idea which was to make a kind of taser-web line but Peter was at a loss at how to go about assembling mechanical web-shooters and still have them be as compact and effective as they were now. Peter had been thinking about possible modifications as well as all-new designs for his mechanical web shooters that he almost missed hearing something he never thought he would hear in school. Their English Teacher Ms. Olson wanted her students to give an oral presentation on what it meant to be a superhero for each of them. Hearing that made Peter wonder why she was giving such an assignment now of all times. That thought stayed in his head until Peter met up with Liz and Mary Jane at the pep-rally and then that particular thought went into a direction Peter didn’t think of nor did he expect Kong of all people to come up with it. “Y’know, all those superheroes and mutant and stuff… What if it’s like in Ghostbusters when it was like, I don’t know, a sign? Like some bad news was coming. What if that’s why all these super people keep popping up?” Kong said which got the attention of Peter, Liz, and Mary Jane. “Seriously, you’re actually using the Ghostbusters movie to prove a point?” Mary Jane replied. She knew their friend Kenny wasn’t as much of an idiot that most people saw him as but she couldn’t see the connection he had just made. “Think about it for a second. We’ve heard all the stories about people doing amazing things while growing up but none of us have ever seen one until recently. Now all of a sudden, there seems to be someone new showing up everyday who can do things that we only saw in science fiction movies.” Kong said while talking to his three friends. “Man, it just feels like we’re in trouble or trouble’s coming.” “Trouble?” Liz asked since she saw some of the point Kong had made with the movie. Liz might’ve seen Kong’s point differently if she wasn’t in a secret relationship with a person with super abilities. “Maybe not trouble but just something that’s not what we expect. Y’know what it mean?” For a moment, the teenagers absorbed the information as well as tried to arranged the points into a line that made sense to them. All of them, including Kong, were having some trouble until someone else who had been listening to the conversation added her opinion. “It’s because of the meteor.” a blonde teenage girl in an outfit the virtually screamed ‘rebel with an attitude’ spoke up, gaining the attention of the other four teenagers. “How do you think the dinosaurs felt the moment before the meteor hit? They were just standing around on the very same land we’re standing on now and all of a sudden, ’Oh shit, we’re extinct’. That’s probably what you’re really worried about.” When the teenage girl knew she had their undivided attention, she continued. “We live in an age where what was once normal for people is no longer normal. But the difference is between us and the dinosaurs is that we know. They didn’t know that there were things in this world and elsewhere that are more powerful than them but we do and it’s a fact we have to acknowledge everyday of our lives. So the question becomes, what are normal people like, those without powers, going to do in this world?” The blonde girl than pointed to several guys that were doing a tug-o-war during the pep-rally. “I know those guys over there are stronger than me but does that mean he’s super powered because he’s stronger than me?” She then pointed over to the cheerleaders that were doing some acrobatic moves as part of their cheer routine. “I know those girls over there are more flexible than I am and those guys running on the track are way faster than I am. Could all of them have super powers too?” Looking back at the four, the girl said the last points she had left. “But not all power is physical. There are people out there who are far more intelligent that I am and yet I could outdo them in sports so does that mean I have super powers or they do?” The blonde girl had been leaning against the side of a brick wall while she said what was on her mind. After she had pushed herself off, she said the last point she wanted to made. “In this world, whatever it is that you do best, that’s your power whether it’s playing the guitar, football, basketball, or even math or know your way around the engine block of every car. That’s your power and this world is becoming a world where it will be about what one person can do that another can’t. If we can get into that kind of mindset then we’ll realize that everyone of us has superpowers.” While Mary Jane and Liz understood what the girl had said, both of them could tell that not only had the guys understood it but were also intensely focused on the blond girl in front of them. A pang of jealousy hit both of the girls when they saw Peter’s eyes practically laser focus on the girl and they had a hint of what it was he was so focused on. As before, the blond girl’s outfit definitely said she had an attitude but it also subtle said she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had as well. “Who are you?” Kong asked, his tone of voice hinting at that he was possibly mesmerized by the girl in frot of him. “Gwen Stacy.” the blond replied before turning around to walk away. It was clear she knew what the four were thinking when she added. “It’s my first day here.” Peter had to admit that he had never met someone like this girl before, her mind being more keener than almost anyone else he had ever met. Especially in high school. Peter also had to admit that most girls that had that kind of mind certainly didn’t have a body like this Gwen had. His mind steadily started to wonder certain thoughts that were easily sexual in nature and it subtly reflected on his facial expression. Peter might’ve thought more about the new girl had Mary Jane not walked up from behind and gave a rather hard punch in the arm. This actually caught Peter by surprise since he didn’t think Mary Jane was as strong as he guessed she was from that one punch alone. ‘Well, at least she didn’t hit me with her nails.’ Peter thought while rubbing a slight sore spot where Mary Jane had hit him. When Peter looked at Mary Jane, he instantly saw something in her eyes that was saying Mary Jane was either annoyed that he looked at another girl like he had or possibly jealous that Peter’s attention was focused on another girl. Peter looked over and noticed there was a similar look in Liz’s eye as well but the jealousy was a bit more apparent. Being a blond herself, Peter could only assume that Liz was thinking about the possibility that he preferred the kind of blond Gwen Stacy was and not her. Knowing that his next words out of his mouth would decide the punishment both girls were more than ready to inflict on him for looking at another girl, Peter desperately racked his brain on what he could say the lessen the pain of the upcoming punishment. However, there was some good fortune when the teachers announced that the basketball tournament had reached it’s final round and the students were to relocate to the main gymnasium for the final round. Peter took advantage of the brief distraction and began quickly walking towards the main gym. Unfortunately, Peter managed only a handful of steps away before being brought to a dead stop by both girls when they each grabbed one of his arms. Both Liz and Mary Jane gave each other a look, one Peter noticed right away was that both girls had something in mind and both agreed to carry it out. Peter wasn’t sure if he should be worried or not since the last time the girls agreed on something, it turned out to be a good thing for him. But the girls agreed on something and he didn’t know what it was, that sent some warning flags up in Peter’s mind. “Um, we’re going to be late so…” Peter didn’t get a chance finish before the girls started dragging him away. Kong saw this happen, Mary Jane and Liz dragging Peter away. He thought it was weird at first but he really didn’t think anymore about it for Gwen’s words were still fresh in his mind. There were many things he was now thinking about, some that he hadn’t really thought about for some time now but now saw those in a whole new light because of what Gwen had said. Kong had made the assumption that Peter, Liz, and Mary Jane would eventually make their way to the gym. He had no reason to think of what was going to happen was a possibility with those three. The high school was mostly empty, the classrooms were barren since even the teachers and faculty members were all at the gym to watch the final round of the basketball tournament. Even the library was empty which was where Liz and Mary Jane had practically dragged Peter too. The library was the only place where the doors weren’t locked during school assembles so Peter at least got the idea what the girls wanted, they wanted a privacy setting. Peter knew he could have easily broke free from their grips but when Mary Jane dug her nails into his arm while being led to the library, it was clear she wasn’t going to be denied. Another thing Peter noticed was Liz’s grip on his other arm. While he could feel the warmth from Mary Jane’s hands on the skin of his arm, the warmth he was feeling from Liz was easily more. Peter wasn’t sure if he had felt such warmth from Liz before. But he was sure that for this kind of warmth to be so easily felt, Liz must’ve been running a high temperature since he remembered the time Aunt May had a fever and her forehead was as hot to the touch as Liz was right now. Peter took a quick look at Liz and didn’t see anything that might indicate she was running a fever. In fact, Liz looked just as healthy to Peter as she usually does, possible more so. Peter’s musing about Liz quickly ended when the two girls finished dragging Peter to a room in the back of the library. It was the same kind of room where Peter and Liz had shared a rather intimate kiss before and where he had learned of his hidden fangs. Once inside, Peter was pretty much shoved into a chair that was in the room with Mary Jane in front of him and Liz behind her, making sure the door was locked and the room’s window was covered by the blinds. With a touch of nervousness in his voice, Peter looked at both girls when he spoke. “Um, have I done something wrong? I’ve seen enough movies to know this situation rarely ends for the person that’s sitting in the chair.” Mary Jane and Liz looked at each other again after being asked that particular questions before Mary Jane responded. “Well, when our man starts eyeing up a girl like that, that tells us one of two things.” Mary Jane said, in a playful tone of voice but her eyes easily reflected signs of a predatory one. Peter didn’t get a chance to ask what Mary Jane meant by her words for Liz walked up next to her and spoke up. Peter also notice that Liz’s eyes had a similar predatory look in them, not as much as Mary Jane had in her eyes but just as noticeable. “First thing is that our man is possibly thinking about taking another girl even though he already has two sexy babes in his life.” Liz said while standing next to Mary Jane. Liz then rested her head on Mary Jane’s left shoulder and then wrapped her arms around the girl’s torso but just below her breasts. “That creates the thinking that maybe we’re enough for you as well as a little jealousy since someone else has your attention.” “The other is that we might have to remind our man that he has what every straight guy in this school dreams about. We certainly know Flash Thompson would kill to get a chance to have the both of us while you already do and all you really did was be yourself.” Mary Jane said while reaching up with her left hand and gently caressed Liz’s left cheek before touching Liz’s lips with her middle finger gently. Liz reacted by lightly licking Mary Jane’s finger too after her lips had been rubbed in a slow circular motion. The sight of the two of them standing together, despite the fact they were in their casual clothing, did create some rather provocative images in Peter’s mind. Also, having seen both girls in all of their naked glory, it really wasn’t hard for Peter to imagine the girls being nude, in sexy lingerie, or even in their own underwear right now. And what they just did in front of Peter, just that little show, his ability to reason was rapidly being replaced by a very strong desire to take both girls. “Of course, there is also a third reason.” Liz said while she moved her hands lower and slowly undid Mary Jane’s pants. They didn’t drop right away but slowly slid down, revealing that the red head’s panties which were a bit more racy that Peter ever expected Mary Jane to wear but it wasn’t a surprise that they were deep red in color nor the wet spot Peter could see among the fabric. “And what might that be?” Peter already had an idea but decided to play along. Nothing was said in replied except Liz took hold of Mary Jane’s shirt and lifted it over her head. Peter had expected to see a bra that matched her panties but it was obvious that she wasn’t wearing one. Now only clad in her panties, Mary Jane returned the favor by removing Liz’s clothing. Like Mary Jane, Liz had a rather racy pair of panties which were white but they barely covered what they were meant to cover. Mary Jane’s red panties were small but Liz’s were easily smaller and a clear reminder that Liz shaved herself down there. Peter might’ve also taken note that Liz wasn’t wearing a bra either but his mind wasn’t thinking logically anymore. Once both girls were basically nude, they stood in front of Peter. “The third reason is that we both want to know if you can handle the two of us. You’ve proven that you can when it’s one at a time, but how about at the same time?” While Peter thought about what it was he was being asked, both Mary Jane and Liz were doing something that they had discussed. @ -Two Days Ago- @ “So what it is you wanted to talk about, MJ?” Liz asked after she had invited her friend into her home. Mary Jane had called Liz yesterday and said that there was something important that they needed to talk. She also said it was in regards to Peter but Peter didn’t need to be there for the conversation. This got Liz’s attention, mostly because she remembered how sure she was in agreeing to share Peter Parker but lately she’s been trying to understand what it was that made her agree to it in the first place. It was more confusion than any form of regret that was troubling her mind lately. The main reason why Mary Jane wanted to have this conversation at Liz’s home was because she knew her bastard of a father might stick his nose and learn something that could back to bite her in the ass as well as Peter’s. Liz’s home was the most logical of choice for this particular conversation. “Well, since I wanted to talk to you about Peter, I want to ask you a question I’m pretty sure has been bugging your mind as well as mind.” Mary Jane said while motioning for Liz to head up to her room. Once inside, Liz and Mary Jane took a seat on Liz’s bed since there was only one chair in the room. “What I’m going to say is about the same thing that’s running through your mind. Why did you agree to share Peter with me?” For her part, Liz knew what she was asked but she wasn’t sure how to answer it honestly. For about a minute, nothing was said by the two girls and silence that was growing between them was starting to get uncomfortable. Liz knew Mary Jane was waiting for an answer and on mostly instinct, the blonde said the first thing that came to her mind to the red head. “Actually, how do we know Peter can be shared?” When Liz said that, it took her a moment to realize what it was that she had said, even to herself. Liz continued by saying that they both loved Peter but he was also two people and that was something they might not have considered as much as they should have. Mary Jane steadily replied that she had the same thoughts herself, about Peter’s dual identity and the issues that would come with them. In fact, that was one of the reasons why Mary Jane wanted to talk to Liz in the first place. “Peter wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing for personal gain. At least not anymore.” Mary Jane said while recalling the conversation she and Peter had when he revealed his secret. “Peter had learned a lesson in that regard and he’s trying his best to live by the lessons he has learned in his life up until this point. Now, you’ve asked yourself if Peter can be shared and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” When Mary Jane was sure she had Liz’s complete attention, she continued. “When you were with Flash, you wanted him to share his time with you as you shared your time with him. It was the same thing with me and Harry but we both know that no matter how much of us we shared with them, they never really shared as much of themselves.” “I did wondered what it was that made the two of you break up.” Liz said but Mary Jane kept the conversation from straying away from what she had wanted to say. “Peter did share something with us and I know for a fact we may not be able to share as much as he has with us. By telling us he’s Spider-Man, he’s telling us that he’s out there, protecting people in a city that pretty much goes by the belief that whenever something bad happens, everyone in the area will look the other way.” Mary Jane’s words were as sincere as Liz had ever heard her to be. “So the question isn’t can Peter be shared between us but do we deserve to share in what Peter is.” “A hero.” Liz finished since now what Mary Jane had said swept away any lingering doubts of any kind she had left in her. This time, when the silence set in the room, it wasn’t uncomfortable for both girls. It was a sign that both girls were coming to the understanding of what it was they had become a part of. After a few more moments of silence, Liz was the first to break it. “You do know there is still one down side to all of this.” When Mary Jane gave Liz a questioning look, the blonde replied with a smirk on her face. “We don’t know if Peter can handle two hot girls like us.” Mary Jane Watson did think about what Liz Allen was really saying. The red head then replied with a similar smirk on her face that Liz just had. “Well, there’s a pep rally coming up soon at school. What better time for us to find out when the school itself will be busy cheering on school spirit?” @ -Present Time- @ Peter was still sitting in the chair while Mary Jane and Liz removed his pants and boxer shorts. Peter was actually a bit surprised at how fast the two girls removed his clothes. He was also glad that Mary Jane didn’t use her sharp nails to cut his clothes off of him. When his pants were removed, Peter’s cock, which had easily gotten hard from seeing both girls in just their panties, was at full attention and both girls in turn licked their own lips at the sight. Peter was curious what the girls were going to do but didn’t expect what they both did. Mary Jane used her own tongue to lick up and down his shaft slowly while her left hand sort of held his cock in place so it was easier. Mary Jane mostly used her left hand to grip the main part while rubbing the tip of the cock rather firmly. Liz was also in on the action but her mouth was busy working on Peter’s balls with one hand fondling and squeezing them. Peter had thought that the blowjobs he had gotten from the girls separately was a unique experience that would be hard to top but now he wondered what they could do to top this. The arms of the wooden chair that Peter was sitting in clearly cracked because Peter’s grip on them clearly reflected the amount of pleasure his entire cock was feeling. “Damn, that feels so good…” Peter said while groaning in pleasure. The girls continued, even alternating what they were doing to Peter’s cock. This continued for about a minute more before Peter reached his limit. He tried to give the girls some warning but when Liz took the tip of his penis into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, that was it for him. Liz was caught by surprise but she was able to take in the hot load of cum that practically flooded her mouth. It took a moment for Liz to swallow all of it but she definitely savored it all, including the feeling she got from her stomach when what she swallowed reached it. “What, none for me?” Mary Jane did a kind of mock hurt since it was clear Liz had taken all of Peter’s release cum. The red head only shrug before she repositioned herself to be more in front of Peter’s cock. “That’s fine. I know there’s plenty more and how to get it.” Peter watched, his curiosity peaked at what Mary Jane was going to do since it didn’t seem like she was going to suck him off. He watched at the red head bombshell took her tits and maneuvered herself so his penis was in between her breasts. Mary Jane pressed her tits against Peter’s member rather firmly before taking the top part of cock into her mouth and slowly began titty-fucking his cock. Like what the girls had been doing before, this sensation was definitely unique in Peter’s view and worth remembering. After several moments, Mary Jane abruptly stopped which got Peter’s attention. He was about to ask why she had stopped but saw Mary Jane still holding his cock with her breasts and then looked like she began to drool on his cock. “What are you doing?” Mary Jane looked up after she had coated both Peter’s cock and the area around that held his cock with her saliva. “Just a little something to ease the friction.” Peter would have commented on the response, like how she knew that and how well she was doing what she was doing but didn’t get the chance since Mary Jane immediately resumed her actions. Liz had managed to guess what question Peter was going to ask and decided to answer it for Mary Jane. “We both did a little research into how to please our man. You’d be amazed how many websites there are that go into detail about certain acts and positions that a man and woman can take while having sex. In short, we both read the online version of the Kama Sutra and there are some things we’re interested in trying out.” Peter wasn’t ignorant to what that ancient text referred to but he never considered at any point would it enter into his life. If the girls had actually read it and there were things inside of it that they wanted to try out, Peter couldn’t help but feel anxious with anticipation at what the girls wanted to do. Once she felt there was enough of her saliva applied, Mary Jane continued to please Peter’s cock with both her mouth and her breasts. Peter groaned in pleasure at what he was feeling and almost completely missed an opportunity to begin pleasing Liz. The blonde girl had removed her panties and lifted her right leg up so as to have her shaved pussy right up to Peter’s face while he still sat in the chair. Peter had only to move his head forward just slightly so his lips and tongue. He had a brief realization as why Liz wore such a very small piece of clothing for panties when he noticed how smoothed the skin looked around the area between her legs. Before Peter really started using his mouth against Liz’s nether lips, he decided to take into memory what it felt like since the previous times he only sought his own enjoyment and didn’t pay much attention to such details. Like he had expected, the skin was smooth, possibly smoother than he had expected. Peter dragged his tongue slowly while using both of his hands to hold Liz in place. Peter didn’t even really notice, thanks to his spider strength, that what he was doing to Liz made it very difficult for her legs to continue to support her. The loud gasps and moans of pleasure easily told Peter what he was doing to Liz was something the girl enjoyed. Mary Jane, still tit-fucking Peter’s cock, noticed out of the corner of her eye what Peter was doing to Liz. The red head notice the blonde had her hands on Peter’s head and from the way her body was moving, Mary Jane swore that Liz was pressing Peter’s face right into her own pussy. It was long before Peter lifted Liz up so that in a way she was sitting on his face while he ate her out. “Oh, fuck! Don’t….stop! Oh, God!” Liz yelled out while trying to keep herself balanced in her position. The wooden chair that all three teenagers were occupying creaked at their actions, from Mary Jane increasing her pace at bobbing her head up and down on Peter’s cock to Liz’s body shaking at the jolts of pleasure Peter was sending deep into her pussy with his tongue and lips. It wasn’t too much longer before Mary Jane’s action made Peter fire off large shot of his semen into Mary Jane’s mouth. This in turn cause Peter to reflexively sink his fangs into Liz’s pussy and inject his venom into her. “AAHH!!” Liz wanted to scream out either ’God’ or ’Fuck’ when she achieved her orgasm but when it was combined with the effects of Peter’s venom, it was more than the blonde girl could handle at the moment. The juices that came from Liz’s release was a little more than Peter could easily handle. Mary Jane noticed that Peter couldn’t drink in lightly flowed to the sides of his mouth and reached the his very toned looking chest. Liz was doing her best to catch her breath after her scream as well as keeping herself from falling to the floor since her strength momentarily left her. Fortunately for Liz, Peter easily held her up until he finished drinking in all of her released juices. When Peter finished, he let Liz down from his face but it was still clear her legs didn’t have much strength in them at the moment. Mary Jane also stood up while still licking her lips clean of Peter’s cum. When she finished, Mary Jane removed her panties while making she that when she bent over to do so, Peter got a clear view of her ass. With Liz, Peter committed to memory what Mary Jane’s pussy looked like. Specifically to see if she was as smoothed shaven as Liz was. There was a small patch of red hair that Peter could see which meant Mary Jane was at least keeping that area trimmed. Mary Jane was still bent over, slowly removing her panties, but she didn’t get the chance to stand back up before Peter quickly moved from the chair he was sitting in and his mouth latched onto vagina from behind. “AHH!!” Mary Jane yelled out when she felt Peter’s mouth suddenly took hold of her lower lips. It was so sudden that Mary Jane lost her balance and fell forward with her ass still in the air and Peter eating her out like hadn’t eaten anything in weeks. Liz watched in amazement as Peter practically assault Mary Jane’s vagina with his mouth. Though Mary Jane was loudly moaning in pleasure of Peter was doing, Liz could’ve of sworn Peter was making grunting noises at the same time. Liz was even more surprised as Peter suddenly stood upright while holding onto Mary Jane to assume a weird 69 position but with one standing up and the other being held upside down. Liz notice that Peter never once broke his mouth connection with Mary Jane’s pussy. Mary Jane herself was lost to haze of intense pleasure she was feeling. She didn’t even notice, or probably didn’t care, that she was being held upside down. Her legs, bent at the knees, simply dangled in the air while her arms were practically limp and slightly sway in the air. Mary Jane filled the room with the sounds of her experiencing pleasure but increased in volume when Peter threw in another surprise. Peter’s lips were attached to Mary Jane’s pussy lips at first but a sudden idea enter into his mind to use something else. For a brief moment when he broke contact, Peter made his four fangs appear. Liz saw the fangs appear but she didn’t see it long enough before Peter sunk his fangs into Mary Jane’s pussy. Mary Jane practically screamed when Peter’s fangs pierced her skin and his venom entered into her. With his fangs essentially around Mary Jane’s pussy, Peter stuck his tongue in as far and as deep as he could. Once he knew how far his tongue reached, with his fangs still inside Mary Jane, Peter started to bob his head up and down. With his tongue moving in and out of her pussy and his fangs pulling on where they had pierced the skin, Mary Jane let out yells in sync when Peter raised his head. “AHH!! PETER!! Oh, God!!! Oh….GOD!!!” Mary Jane was only able to say those discernable words among the screams she made with what Peter was doing to her. The red haired teenager didn’t last too much longer before she reached her limit. The orgasm that hit Mary Jane somehow made the girl be like a fountain for a brief moment. Liz watched as some of her friend juice release actually shot up despite Peter’s mouth covering her snatch. Unlike with Liz, Peter couldn’t easily take in most of Mary Jane’s lust juice since Mary Jane’s release was much more sudden and a bit stronger, if possible, compared to Liz’s. Peter gently lowered Mary Jane to floor while the girl herself was panting heavily. While Mary Jane recovered as she laid on the floor, Peter turned his attention to Liz and extended a hand towards her. Liz took this invitation and took his hand. Once her hand was in Peter’s grasp, Peter pulled so Liz would quickly come over to him. When Liz’s face was right up to Peter’s, his lips took hold of Liz’s lips but what happened next was something Liz never expected. Turns out that Peter didn’t swallow the nectar he had gotten from Mary Jane. Instead, Peter held what he could in his mouth and then started to feed it to Liz, feed it a bit forcefully it felt like to Liz. Liz’s eyes showed the surprise at what Peter was doing to her and she even managed to sound her surprise as well. These sounds were quickly replaced with moans of pleasure while Peter continued to force feed Mary Jane’s juices to Liz. While Liz swallowed what she was being fed, both her and Peter slowly lowered to the floor with Peter being on top of Liz. After Liz finished swallowing everything from Peter’s mouth, she lightly gasped for breath while Peter looked right into her eyes. “Now I think it’s safe to say…we’ve shared each other now.” Liz couldn’t help but softly laugh at Peter’s words. “Never figured you for being a poet, Peter.” “First time for everything, I guess.” Peter said before positioning himself to become one with the sexy naked blonde beneath him. “By the way, you haven’t said what you wanted to do from that book you read from.” No sooner did Peter say those words did Liz suddenly switched positions with her on top. Liz even pinned Peter’s arms to the side. “Oh, there are several things both of us want to do. But given the time left before the pep rally is finished….” “There’s one thing we both like to try.” Mary Jane said as she very sensuality crawled over to the pair. What happened next was something Peter would not only remember but never expected he would use it like he would and so soon. Especially with other females. @ End of Part One. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Half way to go and a little surprise in store for the other half.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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