March Madness | By : DrunkenScotsman Category: X-Men - Animated Series (all) > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or universe of X-Men: Evolution; Marvel does. I make no money from writing this story. |
Chapter 4: Bracketology
"Shit," Bobby swore on Monday morning while comparing his bracket to Jubilee's. "Shit, shit, shit."
"Hey, meu amigo, what's the problema?" asked Roberto da Costa, the Brazilian mutant known as Sunspot for his solar powers, as he rooted through the fridge for breakfast.
"I'm screwed, that's what," Bobby answered, shaking his head.
"That basketball stuff?" Roberto sniffed. "It's not as great a sport as futebol anyway - real futebol, not that other game you watch where they only kick the ball at the beginning."
"Yeah, our football doesn't really use the foot on the ball much," Bobby admitted with a chuckle. "It's closer to rugby." He pulled his and Jubilee's brackets off the fridge to explain to his friend. "It's an American sports tradition to try to guess which college teams will do the best in their end-of-the-year tournament. It's a bit of a crapshoot, since the teams from larger colleges have more-talented players who will likely go pro, but smaller colleges tend to have more experienced players and a chip on their shoulders."
Roberto nodded. "They play better with the house money," he translated, having seen such things firsthand at the casino his father owned in Rio.
"Right, so you get random upsets, sometimes deep into the tournament," Bobby continued. "The upsets themselves are pretty fun, because they're close games, and a lotta people like seeing underdogs come out on top."
"As long as it's not over their own team," Roberto interjected with a laugh.
"True enough. So Jubes and I made bets every two rounds of the tournament - one weekend's worth of games." Bobby tried not to think too much about his winnings to avoid an awkward erection. "I've won the first two weeks, but I'll need a miracle to win this week."
Roberto looked over the brackets, which to him might as well have been a quipu. "Okay?"
Bobby pointed to the paper. "We're here, in the Final Four - teams that won their quadrant of the bracket. Both of us picked Kentucky, in this top-left quadrant. Neither of us picked Michigan State in the top-right quadrant; they surprised a lotta people by playing their best the last few weeks." Roberto nodded, and Bobby continued: "I got Wisconsin right, from the bottom-left; Jubes got Duke from the bottom-right."
"Two each, but on different sides," Roberto observed.
"Right. So Kentucky plays Wisconsin, and Duke plays Michigan State; the winners play for the championship. For our bet," Bobby explained, "since we both picked Kentucky to win the championship, it doesn't matter if they win or lose. What matters is the winner of Duke-Michigan State."
"Por que? Now I'm lost, amigo."
"When we tied this week, getting two of four right, we looked at the last round, the Elite Eight, to break the tie," Bobby told his solar-powered friend. "So, if we both get the champion right or wrong - Kentucky winning or not-winning - we look at the actual championship game to see who predicted the teams playing."
Roberto nodded excitedly as he saw it. "Ah, sim, I understand now! If this Duke wins, you lose." He glanced at his friend curiously. "What do you lose?"
"Ummm..." Bobby swallowed. "A month's allowance," he lied, though it was at least in the same time zone as the truth.
Roberto grinned, not believing the other boy for a second. "Sem astragar, huh? You gotta gambling problem, amigo."
"I have no idea what you just said."
The Brazilian youth just shrugged and started to leave with the orange he'd found in the fridge. "You'll have plenty of time to learn Portuguese this month, amigo."
More than in the previous weeks, an air of anticipation and excitement hung over those residents of the Mansion who were following the tournament, since the games wouldn’t happen until Saturday. A cloud of dread, too, seemed to hover over Bobby and Jubilee as the final weekend of the tournament approached. Their performance in the Danger Room dropped enough that Wolverine made them run additional sessions on Saturday during the day.
When game time finally arrived that evening, the two basketball aficionados sprawled on the sofa in an exhausted tangle of legs, sodas in hand for much-needed caffeine. The primetime, nationally-televised double-header started with the critical Duke-Michigan State game. Bobby felt almost right at home cheering for a green-clad team, though he noticed his friend cheering against him. Unfortunately for the two hoops fans, the game wasn’t even close; Duke won by twenty. Bobby’s face sank into his hands.
“C’mon, dude, don’t look so down,” Jubilee cajoled her friend. “I bet Wisconsin-Kentucky’s gonna be a real barn-burner. Think Wisconsin can beat the unbeaten?”
“I guess,” Bobby answered morosely. “Not that it matters; I lost.”
Jubilee toyed with her ponytail. “Yeah, I kinda noticed that earlier this week. Anticlimactic, huh? We can still enjoy the second game and the championship on Monday, even if our little game’s over,” she offered.
Bobby groaned. “Still, it’s gonna be a long-ass month. I hope my junk doesn’t explode.”
Jubilee giggled before her face shifted into her “pondering” expression that Bobby found so endearing. “What if we go ahead and start your month? The next few days should be hectic enough, and then your time’ll be up that much sooner,” she suggested.
“I guess I shouldn’t be jerking off tomorrow anyway,” laughed Bobby, who’d planned to spend the next day at home for Easter and return on Monday in time to enjoy the championship game with Jubilee. “Thanks, Jubes,” he told the girl, a grateful smile on his lips.
“Oh, don’t thank me just yet,” she teased cryptically as the game tipped off.
The second game lived up to the hype, providing a hard-fought battle between two juggernaut teams. The teenagers sat on the edge of their seats as Wisconsin pulled away in the last few minutes. They jumped and shouted, despite the late hour, at the unforeseen upset of the unbeaten, heavily-favored Kentucky team.
As the initial rush of excitement subsided, Bobby and Jubilee realized they’d been hugging while jumping up and down. Jubilee looked up into Bobby’s intense blue eyes, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Bobby licked his lips as he felt himself drawn toward her. Their lips closed distance, their breath tickling each other’s faces.
“It’s past curfew, you two,” growled Logan on his way to the fridge for a beer. Startled, the teens split apart, trying to look innocent. “If you’re not both in your rooms by the time I pop the bottlecap, it’s extra sessions for a month. Got it?”
“Yes sir!” they chorused and high-tailed it upstairs.
“Noisy little punks,” Logan grumbled at their hasty retreat.
As Bobby climbed into bed for the night, two thoughts lingered. First, he cursed Logan for interrupting what would surely have been a kiss with Jubilee. Second, he joined a long, proud tradition of hating the Duke Blue Devils.
Bobby returned to the Mansion on Monday evening as promised, after spending Easter Sunday afternoon through Monday lunch at home with his family. Though it’d been great to see his parents and older brothers, their constant questions about “that cute Asian girl” beside him in his Facebook profile picture – cropped from a group photo of all the X-students – quickly grew tiresome and made him eager to return, where said “cute Asian girl” could be found. Further impetus for a hasty return was provided by his older brother’s gorgeous girlfriend and his oldest brother’s flirtatious fiancée, both of whom inadvertently reminded Bobby of his current alone-time freeze.
Jubilee had spent that time hanging out with the other girls, though she felt a bit listless the entire time. She decided to surprise Bobby on his return by making a special dip for the championship game, even though she and the kitchen had only a passing acquaintance. Fortunately for her, kitchen appliances proved more resistant to accidental, frustrated discharges of her powers than televisions, laptops, or other electronic devices.
The two teens gathered on Monday night for one last game-watching extravaganza. They snacked and cheered and groaned at the tightly-contested game between two top-notch teams. By the time the game ended with a Duke victory, it was well after curfew, due to the game’s late start. Bobby and Jubilee cleaned up quickly.
“Good game, huh?” asked Jubilee.
“Yeah, it was, even if I was pulling for Wisconsin tonight,” answered Bobby. “In addition to the fact that they haven’t been champions since Captain America was still around, I’m still kinda pissed at Duke for screwing me over.”
Jubilee tossed a sly grin his way. “How you holding up so far?” she asked with an entirely-intentional wiggle of her ass as she bent down to collect an empty soda can.
“I’m okay right now,” he answered, staring, “but it’ll only get harder as the month progresses.”
“Harder, huh?” she teased.
“Goddammit, Jubes.”
The teasing girl giggled. “Oh, and don’t jerk off and try to lie to me about it later. I’ve asked Jean to check in on you from time to time to see if you’re holding up your end of the deal.”
“Why not call the NSA while you’re at it?” grumbled Bobby.
Jubilee tapped her chin thoughtfully. “That’s not a bad idea. Logan might have some connections…”
“In spite of how you’re being a bitch, I’ll still walk you to your room if you want,” offered Bobby.
“Sure thing,” Jubilee accepted with a smile.
When they arrived at her door, they bade each other goodnight. On impulse, Jubilee hugged her friend, resting her cheek against his chest. After a surprised moment’s pause, Bobby hugged her back, reveling in the feel of her warm body against him and her head under his chin. He didn’t even feel all that embarrassed by springing a boner when he caressed her back and noticed her usual lack of bra. For her part, Jubilee didn’t either and nuzzled against him all the more firmly.
“I better bounce before Wolverine catches us again,” he told her. “Night, Jubes.”
“Night, Bobby,” she murmured as she released him – reluctantly, it seemed to the young man. She gave him a lingering look, tinged with a small smile, as she closed her door.
When Bobby returned to his room, Sam was already fast asleep. The young man couldn’t stop thinking about how nice it felt to hold Jubilee in his arms. As he stared up at the ceiling, one thought recurred: “This is gonna be a long month.”
Meanwhile, in her room, Jubilee grinned as she typed out a short text message and hit SEND. “Bobby,” she addressed him in absentia, “this is gonna be a long month for you, dude.”
Later that week, Bobby was working out in the Mansion’s gym, lifting weights to strengthen his arms and pecs. The advent of spring, along with the attendant reduction in the amount of cloth covering the skin of the Mansion’s female population, stoked his libido. Because he was helpless to sate it directly, he hoped the exercise would help burn off some of the excess energy he’d been feeling.
As he was curling weights to work his biceps, Jubilee walked into the expansive gym facility wearing a hot-pink unitard not unlike the ones worn by the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team during the London Olympics a few years ago. The fabric clung to her as if for dear life, especially over her shapely rear. She spotted Bobby and waved at him with a big, friendly grin; Bobby merely smiled and nodded, trying to focus on his curls.
That strategy worked for a while, though the young man caught glimpses of his gymnast friend stretching at various points. He became more and more distracted by the way her body moved and contorted, especially the splits and how they underscored the shape of her legs and ass. Bobby actively fought thoughts of what Jubilee performing naked splits might look like and returned to his curls. Having lost count of his reps, he swore to himself and switched hands.
For her part, Jubilee enjoyed the way Bobby looked during his workout, his sweat-soaked shirt showing his muscular arms working as he lifted. She also enjoyed how he stared while she stretched. Once she finished, the gymnast headed for the balance beam to implement Stage 2 of her plan for this afternoon’s workout.
Bobby tried to ignore his unexpected workout companion as she mounted the balance beam. The task proved too difficult, however, since the beam represented Jubilee’s best event. The young man couldn’t help but watch her in awe as she executed flips and cartwheels on a surface so narrow he didn’t think he could walk across it without falling. He found his eyes especially drawn, first, to the mesmerizing look of intense concentration on her face, the same one she’d worn while giving him head.
He shook his head to force the thought from his mind. I can’t think about that right now, Bobby chided himself, thinking about it all the more. I just need to… enjoy the artistry of the performance…
At the end of one tumbling pass, Jubilee landed a little off-center and nearly fell. She flailed her arms and flexed her feet to maintain balance. On instinct, Bobby jumped up to catch her, even though part of him knew she must’ve fallen hundreds of times before without seriously hurting herself. As Jubilee stabilized, Bobby’s eyes remained glued on her feet and how they’d curled to hold onto the wooden plank.
Damn, those are some strong toes, he marveled as he started imagining her rubbing him off with her feet. I bet she could crack walnuts with those.
Bobby blinked. What the hell? That was a weird-ass thought. My brain is way too scrambled to be around Jubilee right now. I’d better bail before I hurt myself with these weights.
“Leaving so soon?” Jubilee called after her friend as he headed for the exit. “I thought we might hang out after we finish in here.”
“I, uh… I’ve got homework to do,” he replied without stopping. Bobby wasn’t lying, but he’d normally have put off homework to hang out with Jubilee.
“Oh. Okay,” responded Jubilee with obvious disappointment. “Catch you later, then.” Once he walked out, she hopped off the balance beam and nodded to herself. “So you wanna play it that way, huh? Game on.”
A/N: Greetings, all - I hope the wait for the remainder of this chapter wasn't too grueling. Hopefully it'll be enough to sate your desires for Bobby/Jubes shenanigans for a while, since the end of the semester is coming up, meaning crunch time, meaning my writing time will be a bit more limited than it has been.
One thing I wanted to comment on specifically: that comment about "toes that could crack walnuts" came right out of the mouth of one of the announcers during the London Olympics when one of the girls almost fell off the beam but held on for dear life with her feet. It was such a weird thing to say, I just had to use it!
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