Pain | By : Gimpy Category: X-men Comics > Slash - Male/Male > Remy/Logan Views: 3126 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men comics, or any of the characters from it. I make no money from from the writing of this story. |
Pain 3
the spacing has been fixed, and sorry about the typos, I was never good at
proof reading. Sorry Hope you enjoy.
Remy woke after a night of tossing
and turning, as he sat up he shut his eyes quickly to stop the harsh light
coming in the window from hurting his eyes. “Why didn’t I shut that last
night?” he mutter to himself as he got up and made his way to the window to
shut the curtains, as he did so he slowly opened his eyes, and when they caught
the numbers on the clock he sighed again, since that fateful day he had been
unable to sleep in, regardless of how tired he was, he was always up before
eight, he did miss sleeping in. Sighing, he made his way out of his room and
down the stairs to the kitchen. Opening the door he was assaulted by the noise
and smells of everyone making and eating breakfast.
Ro stood at
the counter cutting fruit, and glared at him as he stole a slice of apple.
“Good Morning, Brother.” She said with a smile. “Mornin’ Stormy.” He replied.
“Don’t call me that.” She answered with a glare that had no real malice as she
tried to hide the smile that graced her face. There was a mixture of ‘Mornin’
Gumbo, Mornin’ Gambit and Mornin’ Remy’ that erupted from the table as he
walked past, which was answered with a “Mornin’ everyone” from Remy. But Remy
did not stay to chat as he caught sight of the coffee, he didn’t care if it was
oil, and as long as it had caffeine, he would be happy. Grabbing a cup and
filling it, he made his way to the table, sitting down next to Jean, and began to
enjoy the caffeine that was in front of him.
He sat
silently through breakfast, watching the others as they crammed sugar laced
grains in their mouths, astonished that Hank and Bobby ate so much alike, or
careful placing the food in their mouth until the food was completely
destroyed, like Scott, or happily alternating bits and laughter like Jean and
Ro. He continued to sit as the others finished, washed there plates and went on
with their morning routines. Ro was the last to left and though she needs to
speak to her brother.
“Remy, what is wrong? You have not been your self in a long time;
I am truly worried for you.”
“Don’t worry Stormy. Remy said that he was fine, and he is.
Remy is just not sleeping as much.”
“I know brother it is different to see you at breakfast. But
the lack of sleep does not cause one to seek out fights and come home bruised
and battered. Please Remy tell me what is wrong.”
“Look, maybe Remy does not want everyone to know how he
screwed up, how be believed something with all his heart only to have it broken
on the comment of a child.” Remy had finally snapped, he saw the hurt that
passed in Ro’s eyes as he finished his sentence.
“Sorry Stormy, Remy guess he is just tired of being alone.
Sorry, this is just something Remy needs to figure this one out on his own.” He
smiled at her hoping that she would not pry any more into the matter.
“Alright, brother, but please don’t continue to harm
yourself like this. For me at least.” She said sadly.
“Remy won’t.”
“Brother, what are you doing later today, maybe we could go
out to lunch later?” she hoped that he would say yes, and she would be able to
spend time with him.
“Remy would love to, but he needs a few things and Remy
doesn’t want to waste your time driving around with him.”
“Okay, brother. Be careful.” She kissed his cheek and got up
and left him to sit alone in the kitchen.
Remy sat at the table a little longer before getting up and
dumping the rest of the coffee down the sink, and placed the cup in the
dishwasher. He slowly made his way upstairs, happy at least that his foot was
no longer bothering him. He quickly showered and dressed, making his way back
down stairs in only a few minutes. Part of him was happy that there was no one
there to question where he was going, but the other part of him only wished
that there was someone who cared where he was and would question his actions. Sure,
there was Ro, but she did it out sisterly love, he wanted his action to be
questioned by some one he truly loved, Logan. But he knew that that would not
happen. With that thought angering him he grabbed his keys and made his way out
to his bike. He was glad that he had taken a cab last night, he did not wish to
crash or lose his bike, but now he felt safe to drive it. As he turned the key
in the ignition, a glint of metal caught his eye, and he looked down to see the
pull-tab that was on his key chain. His thoughts turned to the night that he
had gotten it and he remembered that day as he drove out of garage and out to
the road.
~5 Months Earlier~
Remy smiled as he jumped on to the couch in front of the TV.
Next to him was his favorite target, Logan.
They had been casual fuck buddies for a few months and there was nothing Remy
loved more then getting Logan
worked up. Grabbing the remote out of Logan’s
hand, he quickly changed the Hockey game that was on, to ice-skating.
“Gumbo, you better turn that back, or you will be missing a
finger.” Logan
growled at the new choice of television.
“Cher, why do you watch
that crap. It is just a bunch of men skating after a piece of harden plastic.”
Remy happily supplied.
“Hey, chasing around that piece of harden plastic takes
skills, Gumbo.”
“Cher, I know something
else that is hardened and takes skills to deal with.” Remy purred into his ear,
before he backed off, and settled on to his side of the couch.
“Alright, that’s it. I am out of here.” Logan
got up with a growl, while Remy watched, unable to figure out what had caused
the change in Logan.
He watched as Logan
quickly left the room. Remy just stared at the screen, before changing it back
to the hockey game, and jumped up to find Logan.
He was running out the room, when he bumped into what seemed to be a brick
wall. As he hit the floor, he mumbled ‘who put that wall there’. He opened his
eyes and aimed his sight upward and saw Logan
standing the door, with his leather coat and keys in hand.
“Cher, you don’t have to
leave. Remy will let you watch your hockey game. He won’t bug you.” Remy
quickly said, hoping that Logan
would agree and forgive him for anything that he had done wrong.
“Nah, I think I need to leave.” Logan turned and walked out into the front
hall.” As he reached the door he called out”Ya coming or what?”
Remy could have sworn his jaw hit
the floor, but he quickly regained his senses and went running out after Logan, jumping into Logan’s
jeep as the he pulled around. Remy was quiet as he they rode out to Harry’s Bar
for a beer and maybe some pool. He remained quiet as they pulled into the
parking lot and entered the Bar.
“Hey you guys, back for more?” Harry called out as they
entered the bar. “The usual for both of ya?”
simply grunted a yes and Remy smiled and yelled out “Ya not going to check
Remy’s idea non?” Harry simply laughed as he placed a Molson and a Heineken on
the counter. Remy walked over to the bar and picked up the beers and Logan secured the pool
table. Remy turned and walked towards the table, taking a swig of his beer, as
he got closer. Logan
straightened up as Remy approach, noticing what the Cajun had is his hands.
“When ya going to start drinking real beer, Gumbo?” Logan smiled as he asked,
he enjoyed making fun of Remy as much as Remy enjoyed bothering him.
“Remy drinks real beer, he just likes his beer with flavor,
Logan just huff, and
turned back to the table. “You break, and if I win, you have to drink a real
beer, and of you win, I will lay off on the jokes about what you drink. Okay?”
He said to Remy, earning him a smile.
“Sure, cher, but Remy don’t think that he will let you win.”
Smiling he grab the cue and lined up his shot, he broke the pack and watched
two stripped balls disappear from the top of the table. “Looks like I am
stripes cher.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Logan
mumbled as he lined up his own shot.
The game
progressed until all that was left was the eight ball. Remy had taken a shot
and had missed, so Logan
was looking for a quick way to end the game. He walked around the table a few
times before he settled on a shot, knowing that it would tricky he hoped that
the shot would make it. Pulling back the cue, he brought it forward, hitting
the white ball, and bumping it to eight ball. He held his breath as the ball
made its way across the table and made its way towards one of pockets. He
closed his eyes just as it got close to the pocket, and let out a sigh of relief
as the he heard a thump that told him that his aim had made its mark. Grinning
as he opened his eyes, he looked up at Remy and calmly said, “Looks like you
owe me a real beer.”
“Fine cher, lead on.” Remy sighed, but was unable to convey
a hint of sadness due to the silly grin that was on his face.
collected the bottles that the had accumulated through the game, and carried
them over to the bar as Remy picked up the table, replacing the cues and
racking the balls back up. Once finished he made his way to the bar and sat
down next to Logan.
grunted and turned to talk to Harry. “Hey, can you get me a Guinness, Harry.
The boy is going to try a real beer.”
“Sure here you go” Harry responded as he placed a chilled
glass on a counter next to the large can.
“What’s the glass for cher?” Remy asked as the objects
appeared before him.
Logan huffed and turned back to Remy
carefully explaining that you can’t drink the beer out of the can, you have to
pour it.
Remy looked confused but grabbed the car and popped the top
and went to pour the beer in the glass, when Logan grabbed it out of his hands
and tipped the glass to pour the beer in letting the beer run down the side of
the glass, when it was empty he placed the glass in front of Remy with a grunt
and rolled his eyes when Remy shot him a look. Remy stared at the beer, it was
darker then the beer he liked and it smelled heavily of yeast, more then
normal. Sighing he picked up the glass and took a sip. ‘Hey that is not too
bad, it is a little strong but not bad’ he thought as he swallowed his first
taste. He went to take a second, but he found that the taste was stronger and
he did not like it as much. Every sip afterwards it seemed to get worse. About
halfway through he decided that he had had enough, and pushed the glass away
from him.
smirked adding, “Come on Gumbo, you only drank half of it, you can finish it.”
“Remy don’t want the rest, you want it, you drink it.” Remy
replied as he began to look a little sick.
Logan simply shrugged and
grabbed the glass, quickly finishing the beer. Once the beer was gone and the
tab was settled Logan
got up to leave. He saw Remy still sitting at the bar looking at the can, He
got a confused look on his face as he watched Remy pull the pull tab off the
can and put in his pocket. He figured it was just some odd habit. He called out
to Remy and that finally woke him up and they made his way out of the bar. The
ride was silent, much like the ride over to the bar, but instead of Remy,
feeling as if he had messed up, Logan
now wished he had not made fun of Remy about the beer. He knew that Remy could
take a joke but sometimes the jokes could go too far and bring up a bad memory
for him and cause him to relive what whatever pain came with the memory.
remained silent as he pulled the jeep into the garage and got out, making there
way to the kitchen, Remy keep his distance from Logan,
entering the kitchen and walking over to hug Ro before Logan even to the kitchen. As he opened the
door he say Remy hug Ro and kiss her cheek before saying he was going to call
it a night and left the kitchen. Logan
just stared at the closing door and turner when he heard a voice calling his
are you okay? You seem to be drifting off in to space.” Ro said with a smile.
“Huh, oh yeah just thinking about something.” He replied
some what embarrassed.
“Oh, I was just asking you how was it?”
“How was what?”
“Your time at the bar, Remy said you beat him in pool.”
“Yeah, I managed to beat him. But I was lucky.” He supplied
quickly to cover his embarrassment and in order to stop any further questions,
since he had the Cajun to track down.
“You look tired, maybe you should follow my brother’s
suggestion and head up to bed.” She said as she walked past him and out of the
Running his hand down his face, he
knew he should seek out the Cajun, and talk to him. But sleep sounded good and
he hoped that the sleep would help him sort out what he should say to Remy when
he found him. Logan
sighed as he began to climb the stairs to his room, he had hoped Remy was not
mad at him, but would not know until he found out. He pushed open his door and
was taking of his coat when a purring voice “Remy has been waiting for you
cher, he thought that you had gotten a better offer.”
Logan turned to see Remy laid out in his bed,
obviously naked, with the silver moonlight that was coming in the open
curtains, reflecting off Remy’s skin, making it glow a silver glow. The
contrast with his hair and eyes was the most beautiful sight he had every seen.
“No Remy, I didn’t get a better offer.” Logan said as he moved towards the bed,
removing his shoes and shirt along the way. As he reached the bed, he undid his
belt and pushed down his jeans, which seemed to be growing a few sizes smaller
in the last few moments. He stared down at Remy as Remy stared up at him from
the bed. Heat in both of there eyes.
lowered himself to the bed and grabbed Remy, bring him close, and before Remy
could protest, Logan sealed his lips around his quickly silencing any thoughts
that Remy could have had with a fierce possessive kiss. Continuing to kiss
Remy, Logan
rolled them so that he was resting between Remy’s legs and promptly began to
roll his hips. Remy gasped as Logan’s
cock rubbed against his owe, some how making his already harden cock, painfully
hard. Logan
began to break off the kiss as Remy gasped, but instead of starting a new one
he moved to kiss Remy’s face. He carefully kissed his forehead, moving slowly
to kiss his eyelids and his temples. He heard Remy moan, but continued to tease
him by kissing his cheeks, moving to kiss his nose and kiss the sides of his
lips. Remy moaned and begged him to do more. Logan simply smiled and continued to tease
Remy. He moved down to kiss his neck, continuing to roll his hips, giving Remy
pleasure but not enough to give him release. Logan began to kiss and nibble the neck that
lay before him. He smiled as Remy gasped as Logan tenderly bit his Adam’s apple.
Continuing on his journey downward, he kissed his left shoulder, biting, not
hard enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a mark, licking it as a form
of apology. He moved down the left arm, licking and biting his arm as he made
his way down. He had just reached Remy’s wrist when he felt Remy arch up in
order to add more pressure to his arching cock, which was trapped between the
two of them, leaking a large amount of pre-cum, coating both his and Logan’s
stomach. Logan
pushed himself up on his arms and looked down at Remy, and he thought of the
beautiful image of Remy that he had seen before, he knew that he had a much
more beautiful image below him now. Remy looked completely at peace, so free of
control. Smiling he leaned back down to the abandoned wrist and began to lick
it, he then moved to lick each of the fingers on the thief’s hand. Having
finished with the left side Logan moved to the right side to continue the
process all over again. He smiled as Remy arched up, again hoping to cause
enough pressure to reach the end. Logan
had continued to roll his hips as he proceeded with the right arm. Now he knew
that Remy was getting close, he increased the pressure of his own cock on
Remy’s as he moved up to kiss Remy. That last possessive kiss was what pushed
Remy off the edge. Arching his back to press harder against Logan,
he came in a moan, which sounded like Logan’s
name. For Remy, the last thing he remembered was moaning Logan’s name as stars flew past his eyes, and
then there was nothing.
Remy slowly moved towards consciences, he was vaguely aware
of something wet and rough running up and down his stomach. His mind tried to
figure out what it was and why it was there, but lacking necessary information
he was unable to figure out what it was, so he resigned himself to simple open
his eyes and see what it was. When he did open his eyes he looked down to see
Logan, running his tongue up and down his stomach, licking off all the cum that
covered his stomach, leaving a trail, of warm saliva that quickly cooled, and
caused him to shiver. Logan finished his clean up and moved up to kiss Remy,
who moaned into the kiss, tasting both himself on Logan’s tongue as well as
Logan’s erection pressing into his hip. As Logan broke the kiss, Remy simple whispered
‘wow’ which was answered by an equally quiet whisper ‘it’s not over yet’. Logan began to move down
his chest, licking both of his nipples as he moved downward until his face was
level with Remy’s cock, which had begun to show interest in activities again.
Smirking up at Remy, and before Remy could say anything, Logan quickly took Remy’s
cock in his mouth. Remy arched his back again and began to fist the sheets on
the side of him. He made no move to touch Logan,
somewhat unsure why, but he never tried too. Even as Logan continued to lap at
his cock, Remy’s mind began to drift, part of him was happy that Logan was so
quick to take control, that he did not have to be the one to perform, he could
simply sit back and enjoy the experience, but the other part of him wondered
why, even if he knew Logan was in control, he never reached out to him, never
touching him, even when they had sex.
Logan looked up and
noticed that Remy was no longer watching him and decided to up the ante, he
backed off for a breath and then moved to suck all of Remy into his mouth and
down his throat. Remy’s attention was back on him and he began to moan as he
felt his cock move down Logan’s
throat. The torment continued and from out of no where a moist finger began to
circle his ass. He continued to moan as he felt the finger slowly make its way
into him, moaning as he felt the finger begin to move and Logan began to moan,
adding a delicious vibration on his already over simulated cock.
that he was close, Logan
backed off only to move between Remy’s legs again, this time on his knees.
Using on hand to steady his cock he used the other, with the help of Remy to
position his cock at Remy’s entrance. On look at Remy told him that it was okay
and he slowly began to push his cock into Remy, who began to moan as he felt Logan’s cock begin to fill
him. Once Logan
was completely seated in Remy, he gave Remy some time to adjust, and lowered
Remy until he was lying back on his back. He looked down at Remy, loving the
way he looked. Once he was sure that Remy was okay he began to slowly roll his
hips, moving his cock in and out of Remy. Unlike the other times, it was not a
race to completion, but Logan
wanted Remy to enjoy this, not just him. He continue to roll his hips, pulling
out a little m ore each time, and forcing himself back in with a little bit
more force. He watched as Remy moaned and moved beneath him. He watched as his
muscle constricted and relax, noticing that his hands were fisting the sheets,
he slowed down his thrusts, and moved to grab Remy’s hands. Remy’s eyes shot
opened and he gave a questioning glance to Logan, who simple pulled his left
hand which he quickly kissed and quickly entwined his fingers with Remy’s,
moving quickly to do that to his right hand. Once he was happy that both of
their hands were entwined, he began to roll his hips and move in and out of
Remy was in
shock, Logan was holding his hands, and the sex was the greatest he had every
had, he wanted to remember this forever, this one time had made up for every
other time, every time that he had been hurt. If he had not been in love with Logan, this one day would
have made him fall in love with, but now it was making him love him more.
Though he knew that it would probably end soon, he wished that he could spend
the rest of his life with Logan, hoping that Logan would make love to
him like this again.
continued with the pace until he knew that he could not last any longer, he
reached down and grabbed Remy’s cock and began to tenderly tug on it, he moaned
as he felt Remy clench around him as he came, which caused himself to cum. As they,
both began to come down from their high Logan
tenderly pulled himself from Remy’s body and moved them so that Remy was
resting on his chest. He watched as Remy moved slightly getting comfy before
drifting off to sleep, and sleep for Logan
soon followed.
woke up, to find Remy still resting on his chest. He smiled as he began to pet
the soft red hair that covered his head. This small movement caused Remy to
stir and eventually wake up; he smiled as he rubbed his eyes, moving up to kiss
Logan. Settling
back down on Logan’s chest, he smiled as Logan began to pet his
hair again. Logan
looked down at him and smiled again.
“Hey, Rems, what’s with saving the pull tab?” He asked in a
quiet tone.
“Oh, that. Remy just thought that he should save it, like a
memory for Remy, something he can carry around with him to remember the day.”
Remy answered looking down, hoping Logan
would not get mad at him.
“Okay, I guess there really isn’t a key chain you could have
bought.” He chuckled letting Remy know that he was not mad.
They settled back on the bed to sleep for a few more hours.
The memory
ended as Remy pulled into the parking lot of Harry’s, as he swung his leg over
his bike he looked at his keys, the same pull tab was still there, as much as
it haunted him, he could never get rid of it. He moved away from the bike, he
moved towards the bar. Once inside he ordered a few beers and moved to one of
the tables. Sitting down he lit a cigarette he quickly made his way through the
beers on the table. Several beers later, he looked up, he wanted a fight, and
he wanted one now. It was too earlier though, there wasn’t really anyone to
fight and if there was if he did start a fight he knew that he would end up in
jail, not that he couldn’t get out. Sighing he picked up empty bottles and
returned them to the counter, he wave to Harry as he left, walking out of the
bar and heading to his bike. God he wanted to hit someone, hell he wanted
someone to hit him. He had found out that shortly after Logan
had broken off what they had, if it was anything to Logan to begin with, that the only way he
could fell any thing was pain. He didn’t feel happiness or sadness, only
blankness or pain. Since he could feel nothing other then pain he began to seek
it out, finding it were ever he could.
He angrily
got on his bike, wishing that it was later, that he could find a fight, and he
resigned himself to drive until he could find a decent fight. He pulled on to
the highway in front of Harry’s and head towards town. As he entered town, he
stopped at the red light, and though it was nowhere near being dark, he noticed
the bright neon light to the left of him. He turned his head and noticed that
it belonged to a new tattoo and piercing parlor. Deciding that it could be a
good waste of time he quickly pulled over and parked his bike. Remembering to
take his keys with him, he moved off his bike and ventured to the store. As he
walked in the door, a little bell dinged as if to announce his presence, a
gruff voice from the back yelled that he would be right out there. Remy began
to look around at the walls, looking at all the tattoos that they provided. He
moved on to the piercing he noticed that the piercing got bigger and came in a
various amounts of colors and metals. He was looking at the piercings as the
man walk around the corner; Remy looked up as the man moved closer.
“Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah Remy was looking into to getting a piercing, and was
just wondering, how bad the pain was?”
“Well if we just punch out the skin, the skin really doesn’t
stretch so the only pain is from the removal of flesh. If you are really into
pain, we could make a small hole and then stretch it, it would be painful for a
while.” The man seemed to be reading Remy’s mind
Remy smiled and said, “Well cher Remy thinks that he has
found what he’s been looking for.”
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