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Reviews for Just Fucking

By : eiluned
  • From ANON - draelynn on July 03, 2005
    Holy sheep sh*t! Did I really just read CS 's review! Oh please do NOT listen a single written word! The first person POV was quite the refreshing change of pace in a genre that has 'seen it all'. I still think, after many months of reading and rereading this little gem that you nailed the inherent angst of Wolvie and Jean's realtionship on the head to dramatic effect. All your fics border on brilliant and I surely hope one self important blowhard NEVER deters you from expressing yourself as eloquently as you have in this tight little piece of fiction.
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  • From DominqueDestine on March 16, 2005
    Hmph, if your going to write fanfiction, at least do it correctly.
    Constantly refering to wolverine in the first person is rather tedious. If this fiction was meant to be in first person, then you should rethink you strategy. You didn't do a very good job.Though the end had a rather sweet ending.
    Also I don't believe you should rely on pictures for the background information of your stories. It shows a lack of respect for the characters and their authors. It also discredits/disrespects you as a author.
    Research is always needed for any story a author takes on. A woman recently wrote a book as a sequel to Jane Austen's: Pride and Prejudice when she had only seen the movie. And we all see what a laughing stock she became once critqued by fan's of Austen's Books.
    So next time, think your story out, to save you further embarrassment.


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  • From ANON - rana128 on August 16, 2003
    This story has got to be in the top 3 Redshipper stories ever :) .. beautiful and sexy.. We do so love dragging our beloved characters through angst-ridden territory.
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