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Reviews for Down Under

By : DrunkenScotsman
  • From marvelmaster616 on May 18, 2011
    An update on this story is always a treat! I'm sorry I haven't reviewed in a while. This story definitely warrants plenty. You continue to explore Jean Grey's predicament in many unique ways. Plus, you finally squeezed in a graphic scene. Granted, it was a flashback, but it was very nicely done. It's not unreasonable to assume that Mastermind took advantage of Jean when he had her under his control. The way he dressed her up, Jean has every right to feel violated. That kind of nightmare probably wears on her and her relationship with Scott. I like how you're working in St. John. He's actually playing a necessary role, giving Jean a friendly voice. After some of the jerks she's come across, she needs it. I'm very interested in seeing what comes of this little stroll. I'm also interested in seeing what happens when Jean talks to Scott again. You've done a great job with this story! I've enjoyed every chapter thus far. Please keep up the excellent work! Until next time, take care and best wishes.

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  • From Daye on April 27, 2011
    St John Allerdyce? She's going to fall for Pyro?! That's... unexpected.

    Wouldn't he recognise her? Her cartoon/jim lee costume isn't exactly a terrific disguise. Oh course he might not let on if he had...
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  • From marvelmaster616 on April 09, 2011
    Another very sweet chapter. After what happened in the last one, I think it's good for Jean to hear from someone familiar. I see Scott is still protective of her. I'm sure if he was in that club he would have blasted that guy across the Pacific Ocean. It's interesting how Jean clearly wants to be with him, but is trying to make good use of this vacation. How much more is it going to take before she invites him to Australia or goes back to him? Maybe a better question is how many more lurid thoughts can she handle? lol You have a nice grasp of the Cyclops/Jean relationship so far and I look forward to seeing where you go with it. Keep up the great work!
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  • From marvelmaster616 on April 09, 2011
    Sorry I didn't review this sooner. Great job on the third chapter! I like what you're doing with Jean Grey, taking her out of the situation of a regular hero and putting her in more realistic settings. In the comics she's never been one to get all dressed up and go out for a night of clubbing. It was interesting to see her step outside her box for a bit and just put herself out there. She just can't seem to find a guy who doesn't project so many lurid thoughts. lol For a while I thought that guy would actually get to her. I'm glad she got out before he had a chance to drug her. I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I like it! Jean Grey is seeing a new part of the world and it's already making her miss the people she cares about. I look forward to seeing where this goes! I also hope she gets a chance to get a little 'action' if you know what I mean. lol Keep up the good work!
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  • From Daye on March 28, 2011
    Interesting chapter, though I think you may a gone a tatch over board with the ozzie slang.
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  • From marvelmaster616 on March 08, 2011
    Another great chapter. Very introspective of Jean Grey. I like it because you don't see too many stories like this on this site. I applaud you for making one and making it good! I see you did some flashbacks of the old Phoenix Saga, including her little stint as the Black Queen. I was a bit dismayed that you didn't go into further detail with her and Wayneguard. I figured he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her if he was controlling her. Who would? lol It was all very emotional and very well-done. I really like it and I look forward to seeing more. Where do you plan on taking this? Will Jean Grey be the only one featured? When will the next graphic scene show up? Please keep up the good work! I really enjoy your stories and hope you write more.
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  • From marvelmaster616 on March 02, 2011
    Nice little story here! There's nothing graphic, but it's a nice graphic depiction of the kind of thoughts Jean Grey probably confronts on a daily basis. I'm sure she knows all the cute porno lingo like 'pearl necklace.' She probably knows more than any ordinary woman would care to know. lol I like how you had her pick up on thoughts and have to deal with other men oogling her. I'm glad you had her reject Carlos's advances as well. It just wouldn't be in her character to be too forward.

    I really enjoy your stories and I hope you continue to write them. I really like how you write Jean Grey and I hope you have more stories planned. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing more in the future.
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  • From Daye on March 01, 2011
    An intriguing start, and so subtle an homage there that I barely noticed the reference ;-P
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