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Reviews for When It's Love

By : DrunkenScotsman
  • From marvelmaster616 on July 31, 2016

    Great finish to the story, my friend! Really enjoyed this. The final love scene with Rogue and Remy was perfect. Loved the striptease and the details you put into it, right down to the color of Rogue's thong and underwear. lol Those kinds of details are lacking in a lot of stories these days. I'm glad you took the time to show them here.

    Also, great job on the emotional build-up and the sentiment. It was very tender and loving, as it should be. It's a part of the Rogue/Remy relationship that rarely gets fleshed out these days. The animated show never got around to really getting them together like they did with Cyclops and Jean Grey. I love how you finished what they started.

    Again, great job! I certainly encourage you to write more X-men stories. If ever you want to discuss ideas, you know how to reach me. Take care, my friend!


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  • From marvelmaster616 on July 11, 2016

    Hey man! Another great chapter. Always look forward to these. But Gambit wearing a banana hammock? Thanks a lot for that mental image. No really, thanks. It really helped make this chapter memorable to say the least. lol I mean why can't the ladies have something to drool over every now and then? It's only fair.

    I like how you're handling this. The Rogue/Remy relationship in the cartoon was always somewhat muted because it was a kids show, but it always had the potential to develop into something more mature. I think you're doing a great job with that maturity. I hope to see more of this. Keep up the great work!


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  • From ANON - on July 08, 2016

    This one of my favorite fics EVER. This is amazing beyond words. I think if you posted on fanfiction dot net, you'd see a lot more reviews. I send everyone to you but people are turned off by this sites name. This story isn't anymore provocative than what's already there. I love, love, LOVE this story and I want everyone to read it because I know they'll love it too.

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  • From ANON - Anon on July 08, 2016

    If you only do two more chapters and there's no sex, I will flog you with a wet noodle.^_^

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  • From ANON - Ella on June 09, 2016
    Sorry I didn't review the last chapter. I have no excuse other than laziness. I've got to say, I love that this isn't a PWP, it's so interesting to read Rogue and Gambit's relationship progress-emotionally, sexually and in building the necessary foundations for a relationship. I like that we're seeing Rogue working on trusting and letting Gambit in, and I'm glad that she's starting to not shy away from him when it comes to sexuality-because that scene at the end was both pretty hot and hilarious (due to Gambit's near speechlessness). Seriously looking forward to your next update!
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  • From marvelmaster616 on May 14, 2016
    Great chapter. Love how you're building the inner tension within Rogue. It's the kind of tension the cartoon can never really explore, but it only seems logical, feeling the need for intimacy and that "special" release. It's very human, so to speak. I imagine seeing a shirtless Remy would build that tension for most women. lol It also made me wonder that with all the power-suppressing technology we saw on the show, why didn't Rogue make this kind of request earlier? The comics really didn't bother with it because they eventually got around to giving Rogue control of her powers. So I'm glad you're telling this story. Keep up the great work! Take care.

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  • From ANON - Ella on March 27, 2016
    You write action sequences well considering this was your first attempt. I'm really enjoying how many layers you are putting in this story and not just simply making it a PWP. It strategically makes sense for the X-Men to be trained to fight under circumstances where their powers have been completed dampened, that was a smart move to add to the story, plus it made the fight scene that much more exciting to read. I'm sure the power dampeners will come in handy in the next chapter, will we possibly see Rogue and Gambit taking advantage of having no powers? I'm looking forward to your next chapter as always, update soon!
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  • From ANON - Fostersb on March 12, 2016
    Another excellent chapter- I agree with other comments that it was satisfying that Remy and Rogue could have an honest conversation and that Rogue didn't keep running away, but instead aloud herself to try to be happy with Remy. It can be frustrating , in the comics and the fanfiction, when Rogue keeps pushing Remy away multiple times, but you made sure that while she retains the hesitancy of mistrust, she isn't just stubborn continuously..

    As for what your beta writer said- I feel that the highly descriptive prose are good, but if there are too many of those passages back to back then it can seem overly "flowery." I feel that having a few is ok, but definitely space them out especially since the other sections are just as well written and you don't want to lose that. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Ella on March 08, 2016
    It's refreshing to read a story where Rogue and Gambit actually /talk/ to each other about their problems. Very happy to see the story updated, can't wait to see what may come in the next chapter!
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  • From marvelmaster616 on March 08, 2016
    Nicely done! I love how you built the tension up with Rogue, developing a major sense of urgency so to speak. For someone who can't touch, I imagine this happens more than any kids show is willing to reveal. lol Again, you do a great job with the details here, putting just the right amount of mature moments to make it feel hot and intimate. I look forward to seeing more with this story. Keep up the great work!

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  • From marvelmaster616 on March 08, 2016
    It's great to see you writing X-men again, my friend! Sorry it took me a while to review this first chapter. You continue to set yourself apart, writing with a level of care and refinement that I don't see in a lot of mature stories these days. I can totally see this conversation happening between Rogue and Jean. I think it's something that might even come up in the new X-men 92 series. lol I'm glad you're exploring it and I look forward to reading more. Keep up the great work!

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  • From ANON - Ella on March 06, 2016
    It's refreshing to finally see another Gambit/Rogue paring on here. I really hope you update soon! Love it so far.
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  • From Daye on February 20, 2016
    Nice start. Good setting of the scene with regards to Rogue's feelings and problems. Nice join of having her chat with Jean to set it up. It really distinguishes it from Evo set works where that would never happen.

    I saw the odd episode of X-Men TAS but not consistently enough to be really familiar with it. I do vaguely remember the shapeshifter marriage plot though. So that was cool.
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  • From Aysha on February 20, 2016
    It's a good start on the story, and you did a good job expressing Rogue's angst and frustration. I will definitely be tuning back in for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Fostersb on February 19, 2016
    Love the start of this story- I think you did a wonderful job of setting the scene and getting the characters personalities down. You were able to create a story that was both sexy and thoughtful, I am looking forward to reading the rest of the work.
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